Sometimes you need to add properties to a set of documents in a given context. This can be handled in two ways: add the property to each document or use the Tour Macro.

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5 min





In case you need a property for a set of projectdoc documents you have two ways to deal with this:

  1. Add a document property to each document of the set
  2. Use the Tour Macro and add the property information on each line

Use the first approach if the property is relevant for more than one context.

If the property is only relevant in one context, using the Tour Macro is easier since you do not have to open and edit each document.

Add Property to Document

While doctypes define the standard properties for a document, projectdoc allows to add any additional properties required for your use case.

For instance you may have a number of documents of type Topic. Now you want to attach a weight of relevance of these topics. You do not want to bother to create a new doctype just to introduce this new property. Therefore you add a property with name 'Relevance' and the HML Rating Macro as value.

    (minus) You need to open every document and add this new line to each of your properties table inside the Document Properties Marker Macro

    (plus) You can access the relevance in every query using for instance the Display Table Macro or the Tour Macro

Using the Tour Macro

The Tour Macro allows to specify a list of document references and select properties by adding columns with the selected property name as heading.

You can override the value for a given document by adding a value to the cell in the column. You may even add a column with a heading that matches no property. So if you specify a column 'Relevance' you simply add values to it and they are displayed, even if there is no property with that name in the documents.

So this is the result in the view.

The short descriptions are fetched from the referenced documents, the relevance values are simply rendered from the table column.

    (minus) 'Relevance' is not a property of the documents and is therefore not accessible from other contexts

    (plus) Since the values are added to the table in their own column, they can be edited much more easily