Renders apanel with title and body, layouted with a custom CSS configuration.

Short Name
Aside Panel

The macro renders a panel similar to the panel rendered with the Confluence Panel Macro. In contrast to that macro this macro draws its rendering information from the CSS configuration.

The macro is used in space and page blueprints and allows users to fully control their appearance.



The title to be rendered for the panel.

The title is optional.


If checked the panel is not rendered.

Hiding a panel is useful to temporarily remove the panel from the view without the need to employ another macro.

Since 4.7


The parameter is available since version 4.7.

Element Name

The name of the HTML element to render this macro.


Additional CSS selectors to apply to the top-level HTML element.


Optional identifier for the HTML element.

Support Unique ID

In order to transclude the element into another page Confluence may need to make the ID unique within the target page.

If you uncheck this checkbox the ID must be used verbatim. In this case the user is responsible to select a unique ID.


Additional CSS style information to add the the HTML button element.


By default content is rendered with a wrapping paragraph element. Usually this additional element is redundant.

If this checkbox is checked the wrapping paragraph element (the top-level element of this macro's content) will be removed.


CSS Classes

The macro does render the CSS classes defined by the Confluence Panel Macro.

In addition to those, it adds the following.

CSS ClassDescription
projectdoc-aside-panelAdded to the surrounding div element of the panel.
projectdoc-aside-panel-headerAdded to the header div element where the title is rendered.
projectdoc-aside-panel-contentAdded to the content div element where the body of the macro is rendered.

Space Homepage Configuration

Doctype add-ons add additional classes to allow space type specific configurations.

Configuration of the Core Topic Space

.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core {
	border-color: #FFA62F;
.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core .projectdoc-aside-panel-header {
	background-color: #FFA62F;
	border-bottom-color: #FFA62F;
	border-bottom-width: 1px;
	color: white;
	border-width: 0px;
.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core .projectdoc-aside-panel-content {
	border-width: 0px;
  background-color: #FFFFF0;

Configuration of the Core Workspace

.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core-workspace {
	border-color: #666699;
.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core-workspace .projectdoc-aside-panel-header {
	background-color: #666699;
	border-bottom-color: #666699;
	border-bottom-width: 1px;
	color: white;
	border-width: 0px;
.projectdoc-aside-panel.projectdoc-panel-core-workspace .projectdoc-aside-panel-content {
	border-width: 0px;
  background-color: #FFFFF0;

Doctype Homepage and Index Page Configuration

The column on the right side on homepages and index pages of doctypes renders navigation links.

The layout uses the Aside Panel Macro and therefore can be controlled by custom CSS.

CSS ClassDescription
projectdoc-pagetype-homeAdded to navigation panels on homepages.
projectdoc-pagetype-indexAdded to the navigation panels on index pages-
projectdoc-emphasisAdded to navigation panels to render a header to stand out.