Provides a basic set of doctypes to create agile documentation.

The core doctypes provide the base for your agile documentation work with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence. You may also use them as an inspiration for designing your own templates that meet exactly the requirements of your project.

Please refer to Tour for Document Authors for an introduction on how to use these templates and to Tour for Template Authors for information on how to design your own templates.


You may also take an alternative introduction to the Core Doctypes by a Prezi presentation. The presentation provides a good overview by grouping closely related doctypes.

Create a Space

To get started with the Core Doctypes, we recommend to create an Core Project Space.

This provides the basic structure to add new documents easily by the use of home and index pages. This is how the space looks like:

If you prefer to start with a relatively blank space, consider to choose the Configuration Space. It creates a home page and an index page for type documents.

List of Space Blueprints

The following space blueprints are provided by the Core Doctypes.

Address Book

Manage information about people and their roles and interests in a product or project. This space contains information about roles, persons, and organizations.

Configuration Space

Manage commonly used configurations without any subdocuments (besides a homepage for type homepages).

Core Project Space

Create a space to organize information for your agile team. A basic structure with homepages is created, such as for tags, topics, or roles).


Manage information about a domain. Add glossary items and associate them with domain information.

Index Space

Collect commonly used information like spaces properties or type documents. You may also include fragments to be used by transclusion or other information that is relevant for all dependent spaces.


Manage information about resources. This includes books, articles, podcasts, as well as information about the authors of these resources.

Topic Space
Create a space to collect and organize information on a topic.

Create a space to collaboratively collect information on a specific topic. A workspace does not demand for updating information. It is a place to work with until a goal is reached. Move the result of your research to topic spaces and discard or archive this space.

List of Doctypes

The doctypes provided by Core Doctypes are very basic and sometimes generic. Note that there are additional doctype add-ons that support the documentation of more specific domains. The doctypes provided by Core Doctypes are often also used in these domains, for instances roles or tags.

The following doctypes help to organize core project or product information. 

The query matched no documents.


Related information to work with Core Doctypes.

More information on doctypes for the projectdoc Toolbox.
Extension Doctypes
List of additional doctypes provided by free add-ons for specific domains.
List of macros from the projectdoc Toolbox to be used in your Confluence blueprints (2013).
projectdoc Document