A system service to check the compatibility of the projectdoc Toolbox with installed extensions and doctype add-ons.


The health check ensures that the extensions and add-ons for the projectdoc Toolbox are compatible on a source code or interface level. Since the projectdoc apps use semantic versioning, dependency issues are communicated by the change of the major version.

If there is a database migration and macros of these extensions are used as values of document properties, the incompatibility may show in property values that show error messages rendered by these macros. Therefore this health check warns users that some of the projectdoc apps need to be updated.

Please check the Release Notes for specific information on changes provided by your version of the projectdoc Toolbox.


The message is rendered as an error in a box.

Additionally, the identifiers and versions of the incompatible extensions and add-ons are shown together with the smallest version that is compatible with your version of the projectdoc Toolbox. Note that is typically recommended to use the latest version of the projectdoc Toolbox and the related extensions and add-ons.

Please note: The rendered text has been updated in version 6.0.5. So the text of previous version differs from the one shown above.

CSS Classes

The message box is rendered with the following classes.

CSS Classes provided since Version 6.0.5
projectdoc-healthcheck-dependency projectdoc-healthcheck-failed

You may use this classes to suppress the rendering of the box in the browser.

Suppress Rendering of Message Box
.projectdoc-healthcheck-dependency.projectdoc-healthcheck-failed {
  display: none;


More information on this topic is available by the following resources.