Categories, tags, and others allow to organize the pages in your wiki. First define categories pages with display table macros. Second tag your pages with these categories. With this two-step process it is easy to have multiple views to link to your information in your wiki.

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10 min

As shown in Automatic Lists teams need a good navigation structure to browse their documentation easily. But teams have little to no time to create this navigation elements link-by-link manually.

The Display Table Macro allows to define queries to list all matching projectdoc documents. The projectdoc Toolbox also defines some generic document types to create different views on the documentation automatically. This way a team may provide different landing pages for different users with different documentation requirements. The number of views is not limited. Any doctype may define its own types to provide additional views.

What does such a view look like? A generic view would be defined by categories or tags. A type specific view can be defined by topic types (such as tutorials, tips, or training video) or role (to define the audience of documents).

Shows a tag list


Resources on organizing information.

Doctypes to organize your wiki:

Generic Categories

Generic categories organize documents independently of their actual type.

The query matched no documents.

Specific Categories

Specific categories are based on doctypes that define types for specific doctypes.

The query matched no documents.