Renders a locale dependent link to an external resource. The body of the macro contains the link label.

Renders a locale dependent link to an external resource. The body of the macro contains the link label.

This macro is relevant for template authors for creating links to external resources.

Example Using Resource Keys


This example uses resource keys found in a text resource bundle of the blueprint plugin.

Example XML defining the Link
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="projectdoc-link-external">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="title">myproject.url.something.title</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="base-url">myproject.url</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="page">myproject.url.something</ac:parameter>
    <at:i18n at:key="myproject.url.something.label"/>

And here is the resource bundle:

Text Resource Bundle
myproject.url.something.label=Example Document
myproject.url.something.title=Just an Example 


Base URL

The base URL to the resource to create a link to.

The value of the property is checked for being a space property (since version 1.8) or a key in a resource bundle. If both is not true, the base URL is used as given.

Referring to a key in a resource bundle is only relevant for template authors.

Since version 4.3 it is possible to provide an absolute URL with the Page parameter and leave the Base URL parameter blank.


The path to the page within the base URL.

The value of the property is checked for being a space property (since version 1.8) or a key in a resource bundle. If both is not true, the base URL is used as given.

Referring to a key in a resource bundle is only relevant for template authors.

Since version 4.3 it is possible to provide an absolute URL with the Page parameter and leave the Base URL parameter blank.


The title to add to the link.

The value of the property is checked for being a space property (since version 1.8) or a key in a resource bundle. If both is not true, the title is used as given.

Referring to a key in a resource bundle is only relevant for template authors.


Optional target for the link.

The default value of self will not be rendered.

Since 4.3


This parameter is available since version 4.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox.


Provide a unique identifier to the HTML link element.

Since 4.3


This parameter is available since version 4.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

CSS Classes

Provides CSS classes for the HTML element.

Use the regular style syntax (like comp-external link). The syntax is not validated and written to the element as encoded HTML attribute value.

Since 4.3


This parameter is available since version 4.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox.


Provide additional CSS Styles for the HTML element.

Use the regular style syntax (like color: orange;). The syntax is not validated and written to the element as encoded HTML attribute value.

Since 4.3


This parameter is available since version 4.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox.