Renders transcluded content fetched from documents of a result set.

Dynamic Navigation
Page Size Support

Renders part of documents for a given type in an index structure.

Use this macro to render a collection of selected documents on a single page.


This is similar to the generic Transclude Documents Macro, but preconfigured for rendering indices. It is easier to specify the elements to be part of the index by adding the document names to the body of the macro.

Unlike the Index Entries Table Macro the Index Card Macro renders each entry as an excerpt.



Specify the type of the documents to select. If documents from more than one document type are to be selected, enumerate them in a comma-separated list. Leave blank to select documents from any doctypes.

If a property selected from a document is not supported by a doctype, a blank cell will be rendered.



A Lucene search expression to filter on the results. If the property contains spaces, remove them or use $[...].


  • Name = "foo" AND ShortDescription NOT \"bar\"
  • Name = "foo" AND $[Short Description] NOT \"bar\"

Please refer to Search Tips for information on limitations and extensions on the search expression syntax provided by projectdoc.

Since 4.13


Since version 4.13 the parameter supports to reference a space property. The name of the space property has to be prefixed with the paragraph sign ('§').

For instance, if the value for the where parameter is specified by the space property my-where, then the value of the select parameter is §my-where.


Available since version 1.11.


The default separator for the index items specified in the body of this macro is the comma (','). The items may be specified on multiple lines, but each line is split by the commas in this line.

If your index entries have commas in their names, the separator may defined to something different than a comma. If you have one entry on each line, specify '\n' as a special separator. Note that a separator can only have one character. The special separator for newlines is an exception.


Available since version 1.17.

Insert Short Name Entries

If a value different to none is selected, an additional entry is added for each entry that has a short name or an abbreviation.

noneNo additional values are added.
short-nameAdditional entry for the Short Name is added.
abbreviationAdditional entry for the Abbreviation is added.
allAdditional entry for Short Name and Abbreviation is added.

Additional entries render a link with a reference to the main entry (identified by the document name).

Render Index

Render sections for index keys.

The elements associated with an index key are enclosed in an element and the index key is rendered.

CSS ClassDescription
div.projectdoc-indexThe block around the table of index entries.
span.projectdoc-indexThe text rendering the index key.

The default styles are:

div.projectdoc-index {
  margin-top: 2em;

span.projectdoc-index {
  font-size: larger;
  font-weight: bold;

Render Index Access Panel

Render links to index keys above the index for quick access of the index key from the top of the page.

The value of this parameter is only taken into account, when Render Index is selected.

The default styles are:

div.projectdoc-index-access-panel {
    border-radius: 10px;
    border: 2px solid #036;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul {
    margin: 3px;
    padding: 3px;
    list-style-type: none;
    text-align: center;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul li {
    display: inline;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul li a {
    border-radius: 10px;
    text-decoration: none;
    padding: .2em 1em;
    color: white;
    font-weight: bold;
    background-color: #369;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul li a:visited {
    color: white;
    background-color: #369;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul li a:link {
    color: white;
    background-color: #369;

.projectdoc-index-access-panel ul li a:hover {
    color: white;
    background-color: #036;

Render Mode

Controls how the table should render properties of the document result set.

There are two render modes: table, definition list


Available since version 1.11.

Table Render Mode

If you want to render the result in a table, leave this parameter value blank. You may also explicitly set this value to table.

Add a CSS class by separating it with a "=".

  • =mystyle
  • table=mystyle

Definition List Render Mode

Set the value to definition to render the properties as a definition list.

You may add a CSS class by separating it with a "=".

  • definition=mystyle

Render no hits as blank

If the query found no hits, the result is rendered as a short text message. If a result with no hits should not be rendered at all, check this box.

No Hits Text

Text to be rendered if no hits are shown.

This allows to customize the text message.

Force Show

If checked then content that is hidden in its original location is shown.

This effectively overrides the hide parameter of a Section Macro or Content Marker Macro.

Restrict to immediate Children

If checked, only immediate children of the current document are valid as hits.


The identifier is rendered with the encosing HTML element.

It is also useful to uniquely identify the macro in a page.


This parameter is available since version 1.12.0.


Specify the document names and replacements in the macro's body.

  1. Lines without '=' are lists of document names to select.
  2. Placeholder/replacement pairs, separated by an '=' character.