A template assists authors in writing documents of a given type. Templates help that documents are similar in structure and therefore are also easier to read by members of the project team. projectdoc only renders table rows and sections, if they actually contain information. This reduces clutter to distract readers.

Level of Experience
Expected Duration
0:45 minutes

Good documentation reduces noise to help the reader getting access to the relevant information more easily.

projectdoc doctypes assist author in creating and maintaining documents. The template provides the structure of the document of a given type. The template is specified by the teams Documentation Architect. Templates provided by projectdoc are just a starting point for your team. They can be configured to your needs within your Confluence server and you may also create your own templates by the use of Confluence Blueprints.

The screencast shows the micro structure of the Topic doctype. We rush through the editing process for an impression. Please refer for details about basic doctypes on the Doctypes page.





It may help, if you have watched the screencast on creating a space first.


Watch this screencast on YouTube: