Within the page editor the section expander tool allows you to collapse and expand areas of page content.

Client Logging Module

The page editor may be cluttered with macros and information that are in this instance of time not of use. To remove this clutter from your view the Section Expander tool allows you to collapse and expand selected macros.

While one of the key features of the projectdoc Toolbox is clutter-free reading (see Guided Writing & clutter-free Reading) this feature brings clutter-free writing at a new level.


Some details on how to use this tool.

Experimental Status

This feature has been release with version 5.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox as experimental.

The basic functionality is there, but some fine tuning is still required. For instance accessibility is missing. You need to use the mouse to get the macros collapsed and expanded. The controls are not yet very intuitive, meaning: if you do not know the feature, you will probably not learn it without reading this documentation.

Feedback is welcome!

What does it do?

Consider this page at an early stage.

And this is the same page where every section without content is collapsed (using Ctrl+Shift-Click on a macro chrome - for instance the title of a Section Macro).

You can easily toggle each macro, toggle all macros or toggle all macros with an empty body.

How does it work?

You need to click on the chrome, for instance on the macro head.

Shift-ClickToggle the state (collapsed / expanded) of the selected macro.
Ctrl-ClickToggle the state (collapsed / expanded) of all macros dependent on the state of the macro you actually clicked. If the macro is collapsed, all macros will be expanded. If it is expanded, then all macors will be collapsed.
Shift+Ctrl-ClickToggle the state of all macros whose body is considered to be empty. The body is considered empty, if it contains no text. For instance a macro with placeholder text (the text that tells you what a section is intended for) or with another macro in its body is considered empty.
Click on collapsed macroExpands the macro (as would Shift-Click, but easier).

How is it integrated?

Users in the group of confluence-administrators are able to activate (default) and deactivate the feature on the Features control panel.

In case you find this feature confusing or it interferes with other tools you use on your Confluence platform, simply deactivate it.

Section titles not rendered?


This feature adds the chevron image to the macro chrome. This may interfere with other third-party apps. One consequence could be that no chrome is rendered.

In this case you may either need to deactivate the Section Expander of the projectdoc Toolbox or the third-party app.

The feature may also only be activated for the listed Confluence groups. If no group is specified there is no restriction.

Administrators may also specify the names of macros that use the feature to collapse and expand.

You may use a wildcard at the end of the macro name which will match all macro names with the given prefix.

Prefix Match


The macro name projectdoc-box-* matches projectdoc-box-caution, projectdoc-box-warning, and any other macros whose name starts with projectdoc-box-.

So all box macros provides by the projectdoc Toolbox will use this feature.

Note that you are not restricted to macros provided by the projectdoc Toolbox. section, expand, and panel are macros provided by Confluence.


More information on the topic of tools for editing is available by the following resources.