Organize spaces in hierachies with delegate and search spaces.

According to the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence spaces may be related in two ways:

The Delegate Space feature is used to define hierarchies. A space property defined in a delagate space is inherited to the delegating space. Also homepages for doctypes, not defined in the delegating space will be inherited from the next delegate space.

A space attached to the Search Space of a space enables macros selecting documents (for instance the Display Table Macro) to automatically include documents from the search space.


Delegate Space
Delegate spaces help to organize information that is used by more than one space. Resources may be delegated to other spaces. This includes the definition of space properties and providing homepages for documents of a given type.
Delegate Space
Search Space
Search spaces extend the search with projectdoc macros for a space per default on a number of other spaces.
Search Space
Space Property
A property defined on the space homepage that takes effect on the space and delegating spaces.
Doctype Homepage

More Features

List of features of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

The query matched no documents.