A party that takes interest in a project. The stakeholder is either a real person, an organization or group, or represents a class of individuals, groups or organizations.

Documentation Type
Title Encoding

A stakeholder is a mapping of a person to a set of roles the person takes in a given project. A stakeholder may also reference an organisation (or group), naming a person as representative for this organization (or group).

If you do not add a reference to a person document, the stakeholder document refers to a class of individuals, groups or organization.


The document type stakeholder provides the following properties:


Please note that only information about specific properties is provided here. Common document property used by all document types are documented by Document Properties.

Contact Information

This is the reference to the stakeholders personal information, usually in form of a person or organizationdocument.

Until 15.1


Prior to version 16.0 this property was named Personal Information.

Since the referenced document may describe an organization or group, the old property name was no longer appropriate.

The new name for the locale DE is now Kontaktinformationen.


A reference to the organization this stakeholder is working for. The information provided by the organization document provides defaults for this stakeholder.


The roles the stakeholder takes in this project.

Address Information

The following address information is usually copied from the person document.

  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Website
  • Email
  • Street
  • Address 2
  • Code
  • Place of Residence
  • Country

The property Postal Address copies the information parts above in a readable summary.


The Personal Information property may refer to an organization, if you change the doctype parameter of the Name List Macro. But note that you also have to change the doctype parameter of the referring Display Document Property Ref Macros, to transclude the address information. You may also clear the doctype parameter in which case you refer to the value referenced in Personal Information as the title of a document. This is not recommended since the view should always refer to the name, not the title. The title may have some technical suffix due to the uniqueness constraint defined by the wiki space.

It is typically recommended to define an artificial representative for an organization and use this document for reference.


Reference the preferred communication with this stakeholder.

The value may reference one or more addresses and may contains additional text (such as "only in office on Mondays").

Since 2.1


This property is available since version 2.1.

Image URL

The URL to an image. May be a plain URL or a link that points to an image.

Typically the URL is used to fetch the image and render it using the Display Document Property As Image Macro.

Self Subscriptions

List report types the stakeholder is interested in.

This information is part of the communication plan. Detailed information about why this stakeholder requires access to this information may be provided in the section 'Communication Plan' below.

Since 16.0


This property is available since version 16.0 and was formerly called "Reports".

Report Responsibility

List report types the stakeholder produces to communicate to other stakeholders.

This information is part of the communication plan. Detailed information about the communication process may be provided in the section 'Communication Plan' below.

Since 16.0


This property is available since version 16.0 and was formerly called "Communicates".


List all report types the stakeholder is interested in.

This is an automatically generated set of reports listed under Self Subscriptions and imported via the roles of the stakeholder.


List report types the stakeholder produces to communicate to other stakeholders.

This is an automatically generated set of reports listed under Report Responsibility and imported via the roles of the stakeholder.



Any additional information on the stakeholder that is not already specified in the person or role documents. This information is project-specific.


The responsibilities of the stakeholder that are not already specified with her roles. This information is project-specific.


Describe the concerns of the stakeholder and the relevance for the project.

Since version 5.0. Prior to version 5.0 this information has been added to the description section, but this makes it difficult to list concerns separately from other information.


Automatic list of meetings the stakeholder participated.

Since 11.1


The section is available since version 1.11 of the Core Doctypes.

Since 11.2


Since version 11.2 this section is covered by an expand macro.

This makes it easier to access the other information besides this dynamic growing list of resources.


List of documents where the stakeholder participated.

A participation is defined by adding the stakeholder's name to the property Participants.

Since 11.1


The section is available since version 1.11 of the Core Doctypes.

Since 11.2


Since version 11.2 this section is covered by an expand macro.

This makes it easier to access the other information besides this dynamic growing list of resources.


The information in this section is used to run a stakeholder analysis.

This section and its subsections are available since version 6.2.0 and requires the projectdoc Toolbox with version 1.16 and up.


Define the ratings for power and interest in the project of the stakeholder.

Interest Rating

Define a rating for the interest of the stakeholder to make the project a success or failure.

Power Rating

Define a rating for the power of the stakeholder to make the project a success or failure.

Stakeholder Rating

The rating is derived from the values of the Interest Rating and the Power Rating.


Describe the specific goals of the stakeholder according to this project.


Describe the interest of the stakeholder according to this project.


Describe the power of the stakeholder to influence this project.

Communication Plan

Sketch out how to communicate with the stakeholder.

  • What information needs to be exchanged?
  • How often will the stakeholder be informed via which channels?
  • Do we need schedule additional meetings?

The description here allows to check that everything is going as planned during the project. The plan needs to be adjusted, if it does not work.

Since 11.2


This section is available since version 11.2.

Action Plan

Describe what actions are planned to work with this stakeholder.

  • What needs to be done to ensure that the stakeholder's concerns are resolved?
  • Are there any deadlines that are important?
  • Are actions dependent on other issues that need to be resolved first?

The description here allows to check that everything is going as planned during the project. The plan needs to be adjusted, if it does not work.

Since 11.2


This section is available since version 11.2.

Team Members

These are stakeholder subdocuments. If there are such documents, the stakeholders are organized in teams and stakeholders that reference team members are team leads.

If the stakeholder references an organization or group of people, this may refer to suborganizations or members of the organization or group.


These are internal notes that are usually not exported and only visible to team members with write access.

But this is not a safe place to store sensible information. It is just a convenience for the reader to not be bothered with notes stored here for the authors for later use. The security level is about suppressing the representation by a CSS style. Therefore consider this as a convenience for the reader, not as a security tool.


The text of notes sections is also indexed.


For a document the references section contains pointers to resources that prove the statements of the document.

Often these proofs are not easily distinguishable from further information. In this case you may want to skip the reference section in favour for the resource list.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.


The resources section provides references to further information to the topic of the document.

This may be information on the internet provided by the resource or information in the team's information systems. Anything the reader of the resource might want to know, may be listed here.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.


Title Encoding

Spaces are limited such that there can only be one page with a given title. Documents with stakeholder information may collide with person documents with the same name. Therefore Stakeholders prepend the at symbol ('@') in front of the name.

You may check the box on the wizard to create a new stakeholder document to care for this conventional encoding.

Available since version 1.10.

Related Doctypes


The person document type provides personal information that is independent of a particular project.


The organization document type provides information that is independent of a particular project.


Specifies the responsibilities of a role a stakeholder has.

User Character

A user character is an actor in a user story or use case. User characters reference roles, but typically not stakeholders. If you want to reference a stakeholder from a user character, consider to add roles and reference these.