Renders a user story of a user story doctype.

Software Development Add-on


User stories should be displayed in a standardized, easy to read and understand format. This macro allows to fetch the relevant data from a User Story document instance and renders it in a box.

Here are the properties of a user story document, relevant for the macro to render:

And this is how it is rendered:


This macro is part of the Software Developer Add-on and not part of the Core Add-on.



The user story document to fetch the Actor, Goal and Business Value properties.

Actor Intro

The introducing text for the actor.

The text is predefined as "As a". We usually do not add it to the Actor property of the user story document, since the actor is a property for itself.


The macro simply renders this HTML snippet:

User Story HTML
<div class="user-story-workitem">
  <span class="actor">
    <span class="first-word">As a</span>
    <span class="actor-element"><a href="...[URI]...">Customer</a></span>
  <span class="goal">
   <span class="first-word">I</span> 
   <span class="rest">want to review the items in my basket</span> 
  <span class="business-value">
    <span class="first-word">so</span>
    <span class="rest">that I can check the items before I checkout.</span>

Users may change the CSS for the specified class to adjust the visual representation of the user story to their needs.