A collection of blueprints for Confluence to create and work with documentation for Maven projects.

English and German by Default


All doctype add-ons are available in English and German language (except for the V-Modell XT add-on for which only German is supported).

For more information on this topic please refer to Localization.

Install projectdoc for Maven Developers!
Requires projectdoc
Requires Maven Extension


This extension provides a space blueprint to create a space based on a Maven POM to create documentation for Maven related artifacts. Currently this only supports the documentation of Maven plugins.

The POM information is added as Metadata documents and their information is made available as space properties. All metadata documents (currently it is only one that contains all POM information) are added as subpages to a Version document. This makes it easy to switch versions for the documentation of a space and its references to resources on remote servers (such as Nexus or or reports on a Maven site).

If developers add Topic documents of the Main type, these articles will automatically be listed under the documentation section. This section will be placed between the Overview and the References section once at least on such topic is defined.

Beta Status


Please note that this extension is in beta status. We are experimenting with the integration of Maven artifacts and not everything is running as smoothly as you would expect from the final release.

We would be happy to receive your feedback about what you like most and would love to hear what features your would like to be improved!


projectdoc for Maven Developers requires the commercial projectdoc Toolbox and the free Maven Extension to be installed. It is recommended to also install the free Information Systems Extension.

The add-on also uses blueprints from the free Core Doctypes for projectdoc.

Please install the following add-ons on your Atlassian Confluence server:


Instructions on the configuration of the Maven Extension are described in the Installation section.

1. Install projectdoc Toolbox
2. Install Extension for Maven

3. Install Information Systems Extension!


Here is a list of resources to find more information on documenting software projects and products with the projectdoc Toolbox and Maven.