This version does not require updates of doctype-add-onsor the Web API Extension. Section |
| Content Marker |
| The following extension are required to be updated for this version of the projectdoc Toolbox. |
Content Marker |
hide | true |
id | doctype-add-ons-overview-copy |
| Tour |
header-translations | Title=Doctype Add-on |
| |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Web API Extension |
| The following changes are part of the latest Web API Extension. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDEXWAPI' && (fixVersion in ('11.0.0')) ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Bookmarklets Extension |
| The following changes are part of the latest Bookmarklets Extension. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDEXBML' && (fixVersion = '4.0.2') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Information Systems Extension |
| The following changes are part of the latest Information Systems Extension. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDEXINFOSY' && (fixVersion = '6.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Maven Extension |
| The following changes are part of the latest Maven Extension. Caution Box |
This app is not available for Confluence Data Center. |
Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDEXMVN' && (fixVersion = '8.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Doctype Add-ons |
| The following doctype add-ons are required to be updated for the projectdoc Toolbox. Content Marker |
id | doctype-add-ons-overview |
| Tour |
header-translations | Title=Doctype Add-on |
| |
Content Marker |
hide | true |
id | doctype-add-ons-overview-store |
| Tour |
header-translations | Title=Doctype Add-on |
| |
All doctype add-ons are optional. In case an add-on is not installed, there is no need to install it for this version of the projectdoc Toolbox. In case any of the following doctype add-ons are used, they are required to be installed to work with this version of the projectdoc Toolbox. Section |
| The following changes are part of the latest Core Doctypes Add-on. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDCORED' && (fixVersion = '18.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Agile Planning |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Agile Planning. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDAGILE' && (fixVersion = '15.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | projectdoc Developer Diaries |
| The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Developer Diaries. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'DEVDIARY' && (fixVersion = '15.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Project Management |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Project Management. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDPRJMGMT' && (fixVersion = '8.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Doctypes for Risk Management |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Risk Management. This extension is experimental. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDRISKMGMT' && (fixVersion = '3.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Service Management |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Service Management. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'SERVICES' && (fixVersion = '6.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Business Strategy |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Business Strategy. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'STRATEGY' && (fixVersion = '5.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Software Development |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Software Development. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDSWDEVD' && (fixVersion = '14.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | projectdoc arc42 Template |
| The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Add-on for arc42. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'ARCFOURTWO' && (fixVersion = '12.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for Teamwork |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Teamwork. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDTEAMWORK' && (fixVersion = '5.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
title | Doctypes for V-Modell XT |
| The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for V-Modell XT. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDVMXT' && (fixVersion = '6.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Doctypes for Java Developers |
| The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc for Java Developers. This extension is experimental. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDJAVADEV' && (fixVersion = '7.0.0') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |
Section |
hide | true |
title | Doctypes for Maven Developers |
| The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc for Maven Developers. This extension is experimental. Jira |
server | smartics JIRA |
columnIds | issuekey,summary,issuetype,priority,status,resolution,description |
columns | key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,description |
maximumIssues | 1000 |
jqlQuery | project = 'PDMVNDEV' && (fixVersion = '6.0.1') ORDER BY type DESC, priority DESC |
serverId | 79ad43bc-d289-364e-bfc7-46c09847bebd |