Feature Overview?

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This article provides an overview over the highlights and features of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.


The highlights describe the main features of the projectdoc Toolbox.

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Use Cases


In Use Cases we describe a number of use cases where the features of the projectdoc Toolbox support teams with their documentation tasks.

List of Features

The list of features of the projectdoc Toolbox to support teams to create and maintain documentation in a wiki.


If you like to see all features on one page, then go to Features on one Page!

The query matched no documents.


More resources on tools and procedures provided by the projectdoc Toolbox.

Agile Documentation
Information on agile documentation: from values to principles and practices. A set of actionable tools for team communication.
projectdoc Extensions
Use Cases
An overview over the use cases for which the projectdoc Toolbox provides support.
Show Cases
A set of Confluence spaces showing projectdoc in action.
Agile Documentation
Information on agile documentation: from values to principles and practices. A set of actionable tools for team communication.