Improvements to Autocomplete and Linking, includes a collection of improvements and bug fixes.

Today we released version 4.10 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

This is a feature release.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

In-Document Link Macro

Besides the Static Document Link Macro and the Dynamic Document Link Macro the In-Document Link Macro is another document link macro in the projectdoc Toolbox. The macro interface makes creating intra-document links easier, by removing parameters that are not required for this use case.

Enhancements to Autocomplete

This version provides again a number of enhancements to Autocomplete.

Tooltip for Autocomplete

The currently selected value in the list of possible values is now rendered with full selected value and space key as tooltip.

This is an important improvement for use cases where a couple of listed selection options start with the same letters.

When a user hovers with the mouse pointer over an option in the selection box, the tooltip is rendered, revealing the full name of the option.

Autocomplete Anchors

The projectdoc document link macros provide autocomplete for anchors rendered by the projectdoc content macros. Anchors provides by other sources are not considered by the autocomplete.

Content Macros

Macro Short Description
Section Macro
Content Marker Macro

Also includes box macros like Caution Box Macro or Info Box Macro.

Specify Replacement for Title in Tour Macro

The Tour Macro renders a static collections of links. In table format, the document identifying property is typically the title property.

Usually this title should be replaced by the name of the document. With this version users may choose with which property the title column should be replaced. Typical candidates for this are Short Name or Identifier.

Installation Instructions

Install the new OBR of the projectdoc Toolbox.


Due to the following issues a reindex is required to update properties.

Key Summary T P Description

In case you do not use any of these features, there is no need for a reindex.

Please refer to Troubleshooting Reindexer for projectdoc Documents for details on how to reindex projectdoc documents.

List of Changes

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence

Key Summary T P Description


Release Notes
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.