Compatibility with Confluence 7.4, Enhanced Space Properties,  Enhanced Materializing of Properties, Toggle Links, Enhanced Document Property Controls, Enhanced Home Page Links, and much more.

Today we released version 4.5 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

This release provides compatibility with Confluence 7.4, new features, improvements, and bugfixes.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

Enhanced Space Properties

Properties that define the space closures can now be defined in space properties extensions.

This is an important feature for publishing processes. Now all space specific properties can be collected on a separate page that is treated different from other published pages.

Space properties are also rendered, therefore macros can be used in more space property values.

For more information see  PDAC-1222 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Materialize Properties

This new version allows template authors to easily materialize values by the use of the mat document property control.

Materialization can also be controlled by the space property named Materialize by Doctype.

This allows the use of Deep Links on the left side of a Where constraint (see Search Tips).

Remote Controlling Macros

Transcluding macros now take advantage of the Remote Control feature. By the use if Remote Controls these macros configure the context of the rendering process and alter the rendering result.

The following macros support remote controls (the Wiki Link Macro supported this feature in the past and does so by the use of HTTP request parameters):

Display List Macro
Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List contain names and optional short descriptions.
Display List Template Macro
Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List items are defined by templates referencing properties.
Display Table Macro
Lists references to projectdoc documents in a table. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
Index Entries Table Macro
Renders a table of index entries.
Section Compiler by Reference Macro
Compiles local sections with transcluded content by a reference list.
Tour-by-Property Macro
Renders a predefined list of documents in a table . Documents are selected by a document property. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
Transclude Documents Macro
Renders transcluded content fetched from documents of a result set.
Transclusion Macro
Transcludes content from a document marked with the content marker macro.
Transclusion Reference Macro
Transcludes content via a reference from a document marked with the content marker macro.
Transclusion to Text Macro
Transcludes content from a document marked with the content marker macro and renders it as plain text.
Wiki Link Macro
Allows to render a link to a wiki page.

Match Pattern for Display Property Macro

There are new parameters for the Display Document Property Macro that allow to define a match pattern by a regular expression and use the matched groups in a template.

This new feature allows users to grab parts of a property value and reuse its parts in its own value. For instance: if you document a product which has the version number in its name, then the short name could be defined as the name without the version. So in case the name is changed, the short name is updated accordingly.

Empty Content

The Content Marker Macro and Section Macro may now be tagged as being empty. This allows wrapping containers to control more specifically to hide if all its content is considered to be empty.

This is the generalization of the Ignore Template Buttons where a section is considered empty if this button is the only visible element inside a content marker or section.

Pretend being a Printer

In previous versions the only way to switch to printer mode to export Confluence pages to PDF or Word has been to set the user space property Pretend Being A to the value 'printer'. This has been only possible for users who created a user space for their own.

With this version the mode is automatically selected in case the output type of PDF or Word has been selected. This new feature not only makes it much easier to switch to printer and activate quirk modes, but makes this feature also available to users without a user space.

Templates for Tour Macro

With this version the header column may contain a template to render multiple properties in one column.

Use the standard syntax to define a template.

#T{$[Name] (${Type})}

Use the column translation parameter to specify the column header label.

Artificial URL Property Values

The URL and Tiny URL artificial properties now follow the following semantics.

URL, Tiny URLThe URL as an HTML anchor element.
URL$, Tiny URL$The label for the URL.
URL§, Tiny URL§The plain URL.

These semantics already have been applied to other URL properties.

Here is more information on Artificial Properties and URLs of artificial properties.

Improvements to Property Controls

Editing Property Controls

The REST services now allow users to edit document property controls. Please updated to the latest version of the Web API Extension (see PDEXWAPI-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) to take advantage of this improved service.

Clean Controls

Document property controls are now cleaned from HTML elements per default.

Pasting a property control with the Confluence editor often not only copies the control string, but also HTML elements, like span with some CSS attributes. While the additional HTML markup is often not easily perceived by users, the parser does not recognize the control, assuming that the additional HTML elements are of significance.

We now assume that there is no need for users to add markup to the controls column of their Document Properties Marker Macro (or related macros). Therefore we remove them before parsing the control strings.

REST Services for Auto IDs

We now provide some internal services to have access to the configuration of Auto IDs. While this is still an internal API – and therefore subject to change without notice – it may be a valuable tool for users who need to see the actual configuration.

Unlicensed Rendering

The Section Macro and Content Marker Macro render their body even if there is no license provided. This allows users to still see their content in the web view after the license expired.

When no license is provided the macro parameters and the body is rendered.

Here is an example of a page rendered without license.

The section Child Documents shows the text content and some macros used in its body. For the Display Table Macro only the configured parameters are rendered. For the Tour Macro besides the macro parameters the body (with a table) is also rendered.

Note that it is only guaranteed that the body and parameters will be visible. All other features of the projectdoc Toolbox may or may not work.

Breaking Changes

Issue  PDAC-1226 - Getting issue details... STATUS  might be considered a breaking change by users. We consider it a fix to the semantics.

Also issue  PDAC-1243 - Getting issue details... STATUS  defines a couple of properties defined on projectdoc document pages that are also provided as space properties (such as the space homepage or extension documents) to be not considered space properties. While we consider this to be a fix, some users may experience this as a breaking change according to their use cases.

The issue  PDAC-1269 - Getting issue details... STATUS  may be considered a breaking change since users accessing the property URL or Tiny URL will retrieve a value that contains an HTML code fragment. Use cases that expect the plain URL would need to access URL§ or Tiny URL§. This is not considered a breaking change since the semantics already have been defined that way, but the two artificial properties failed to adhere to these. So this is a bug fix.

Upgrade Instructions

Please install the new OBR of the projectdoc Toolbox, then the extension shown below.

List of Changes

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence

Key Summary T P Description

Related Releases

Extension Add-ons

The following extension are required to be updated for the projectdoc Toolbox.

Web API Extension

The following changes are part of the latest Web API Extension.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Bookmarklets Extension

The following changes are part of the latest Bookmarklets Extension.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctype Add-ons

The following doctype add-ons are recommended to be updated for the projectdoc Toolbox.

All doctype add-ons are optional. In case an add-on is not installed, there is no need to install it for this version of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Core Doctypes

The following changes are part of the latest Core Doctypes Add-on

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc Developer Diaries

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Developer Diaries.

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Doctypes for Project Management

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Project Management.

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Doctypes for Service Management

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Service Management.

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Doctypes for Software Development

The following changes are part of the latest Software Development Doctypes.

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Doctypes for Teamwork

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Teamwork.

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projectdoc arc42 Template

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Add-on for arc42.

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Release Notes
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.