Support for Space Administration.

Release Date

Today we released version 5.1.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

This is release provides new features, improvements and a bugfix.

Please also update the Web API Extension to the latest version.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

Refresh for Space Administrators

There are some issues when a refresh or rebuild is run with the wrong user locale. Some macros that are used as property values will render according to the locale.

In case the users of a space have no Confluence Administrator privileges, then it is quite difficult for them to update these pages.

This version provides a refresh service for space administrators in the space administration section.

Note that only a refresh, but not a rebuild is possible. Only this pages in this space get refreshed. In case users are space administrators for a couple of spaces these spaces need to be refreshed in the appropriate order according to their dependencies.

In case there is no such order, space administrators would likely need to run the refresh more than once.

projectdoc Page Menu for Space Administrators

This version allows space administrators to get the page menu entries for projectdoc actions if the space category 'projectdoc' is set for that space.

If space administrators cannot get any of the projectdoc roles, then this allows them to configure their space themselves, albeit not for standard users.

For more information on that page actions, please refer to Cache Refresh Actions.

Template Document Link Macro

The Wiki Link Macro has been replaced by a couple of macros to make it easier to use. Instead of a single macro serving multiple use cases there is now a separate macro for each use case.

The Template Document Link Macro allows to construct a link to a document using a template. Now every use case of the Wiki Link Macro should be covered.

List of Changes

The following changes are part of version 5.1.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence

Key Summary T P Description

Related Releases

This version does not require updates of doctype-add-ons, but we recommend the update of the Web API Extension.

Extension Add-ons

Web API Extension

The following changes are part of the latest Web API Extension.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


Release Notes
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.