Tools to provide or consume content to support reuse.

Transclusion is the technique to render parts of one document within another document.

The inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying.

Wiktionary. transclusion

The projectdoc Toolbox provides macros to define content within a document to be transcluded (by the use of the Section Macro and the Content Marker Macro) and macros to transclude this content into a document (for instance Transclusion Macro and Transclude Documents Macro).

Excerpt and multi-excerpt


Users of Confluence know transclusion support by the Excerpt Macro and the Excerpt Include Macro. The article Excerpt and Transclusion compares the features of the native Confluence macros with those of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Checkout Compare with built-in Features to learn more about the differences between built-in features of Confluence and features of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Note that the projectdoc Toolbox makes it easy to list documents that transclude from a document (see Module) and there are tools for authors (see Transclusion Box) to make jumping to transcluded content very easy.


The following documents provide information on transclusion.


Related information to transclusion.