Lists the configuration options at space level.

Space properties allow to configure projectdoc per-space.

The central properties are those that define the Delegate Space and the Search Space. But every macro may also provide defaults here that are taken into account if not overridden in the macro configuration. This way documentation architects may provide defaults (e.g. for colours or other rendering options particular macros provide), so that document authors do not have to bother with this styling issues.


An example may be a highlighting macro where authors may select a theme or rendering style. If this style is not set to the default, every author would have to select the property style for the code macro. With space properties, the code macro should be set to 'Space Default' so that the decision of styles is propagated to the space configuration.


Since version 1.11 space property values may reference other space properties. Use the placeholder syntax to create these references. Note that these references are only enforced within the Document Properties Marker Macro of the space homepage (that is: only available for space properties). If you need to refer to a space property value within a page then use the Display Space Property Macro.


Note that templates are resolved on request time, while the use of display macros are resolved at document save time. That also includes that documents cannot be queried by resolved template values. So if you need to query documents per property value, you need to use tools to resolve values at save time, not request time.

Naming Convention

Space properties are defined in the homepage of a space in the document properties table. To distinguish space properties from document properties there is a naming convention:

  1. Document Property Names start with a capital letter and are human readable. That is they may contain spaces, e.g. "My Document Property".
  2. Space Property Names start with a lower case letter and are tokens. That is they are separated by dashes, e.g "my-space-property".
  3. Break convention number 2 if you specify a value from your domain as a space property.

User Space Properties

Users may override space properties with their personal preferences. This is useful to override rendering options.

Add a document properties table to the user's homepage.

The example overrides one property: hide-metadata.


Space Properties (Feature)
Space Hierarchies
Using Space Properties
Space Property
A property defined on the space homepage that takes effect on the space and delegating spaces.
Space Properties Extension
Space Property Controls