The projectdoc Toolbox provides a lot of macros to create documentation. It also replaces two macros provided by Confluence. The Excerpt Macro and the Page Properties Macro.

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Confluence provides a number of useful macros. But if the Page Properties Macro does not support all your requirements and the Excerpt Macro without multi-transclusion is too limited, you may want to have a look at the projectdoc Toolbox.

This tip shows, that using the projectdoc variants of the two macros not not more complicated than the Confluence originals. But they provide some interesting features for some of your use cases!

The central use cases we talk about in this tip are

  1. Page Metadata
  2. Content Reuse by Transclusion


Using the projectdoc Toolbox is basically all about projectdoc documents. The tip Think big, start small provides a brief and ready-to-run introduction for this concept. We highly recommend to read (or at least have a quick glance at it) first!

Replacing Page Properties

The first use case is about metadata. How can an author provide metadata on a Confluence page? The answer is properties!

The Document Properties Marker Macro is similar to the Page Properties Macro. The macro expects a table with property keys and values. Different to the Page Properties Macro there is a third column for property controls.

A document property requires a name (first column). It may or may not have a value and it may or may not have a control.

While the Page Properties Report Macro renders the information provided by the Page Properties Macro, the projectdoc Toolbox provides a collection of macros to fetch this information. The one that comes close to the Page Properties Report Macro is the Display Table Macro.

Here is a selection of macros that render document properties.

Title Short Description Typical Usage
Display Table Macro
Run a query and render properties as columns of a table.
Display List Macro
Like the Display Table Macro, but hits are rendered as a HTML list.
Display List Template Macro
Like the Display List Macro, but with more control over properties to render.
Display Document Property Macro
Renders a single property value from a single document.
Display Document Properties Macro
Renders a collection of property values from a single document.


The document properties specified on a space homepage are space properties. They can also be accessed with the Display Space Property Macro.

You may know that page properties are accessible via a REST API (rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines). Currently this API only provides read access. The free Web API Extension for the projectdoc Toolbox provides read and write access to document properties.

Compare Features


Page Properties and Document Properties provides an overview over the features provided by the Confluence macros and projectdoc Toolbox macros.

More details with screenshots on Working with Properties.

Replacing Excerpt Macro

The second use case is about reusing content from one page from a number of other pages.

The Excerpt Macro allows to define content on a page for reuse. The content can then by displayed in another page. The projectdoc Toolbox calls this feature transclusion. The content is defined with the Section Macro (if it has a title and a body) or the Content Marker Macro (for any other part of a page that needs to be transcluded).


A cool feature of sections is that they keep track of their heading levels! You may transclude a section from anywhere into another section and the level of the section headings is automatically adjusted!

While the excerpt macro may only provide one content on a page for reuse, the projectdoc macros may be used any number of times and provides some enhanced transclusion features.

To render the content on another page, Confluence provides the Excerpt Include Macro. The projectdoc provides the Transclusion Macro to do this. But transclusion (especially with sections) is provided by a number of other macros.

Title Short Description Typical Usage
Transclusion Macro
Transclude (multiple) content from one document.
Transclude Documents Macro
Specify a query and transclude content from all documents in the result set!
Information Systems Extension
Provides a collection of macros to transclude content from remote servers.

Compare Features


Excerpt and Transclusion provides an overview over the features provided by the Confluence macros and projectdoc Toolbox macros.

More details with screenshots on Working with Transclusions.


This article should show that using the projectdoc Toolbox in only two of its use cases, is not too different than using macros already on-board with Confluence.

We do not want to indicate that the Confluence macros are bad and should not be used. In the contrary: If these macros support your use cases they are easy to use and this should be the your way to go. But if you miss some features to make your documentation work more fun, check out the projectdoc Toolbox!


More information on the mentioned topics.

Think big, start small
Section in Action
Content Reuse
Compare with built-in Features
projectdoc Toolbox Online Manual
The online manual for version 1 of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.