Updates and renames a document property.

Short Name
REST Method

Updates and renames a document property.

Backup your Data!


There is no undo!

It is strongly recommended to run commands only on backed-up instances!

Make a backup of your data before starting to work with this API! Consider to run your experiments on a copy of the production data!

If your environment does not support the HTTP PATCH method try to use the patch resource at projectdoc/1/patch/document/{id}/property/{name} as a workaround.

Properties do not track modification date and ETag. Therefore the returned information refers to the enclosing document.

Path Parameter

All path parameters are required to be specified.


The name of the requested property.


The unique identifier of the requested projectdoc document.


 Flag to control whether a new version should be created. If set to false, the document is saved without creating a new version. Defaults to true to create a new version.

The parameter is available since version 1.2.


 The optional comment for the version. If no new version is created, the current comment is overridden.

The parameter is available since version 1.2.


The format of the representation to post to the URL may be XML or JSON.

Here is the basic structure in JSON:

  "name": "",
  "value": "",
  "controls": "",
  "position": ""

Only the following position values are allowed:

replace-or-add1.0Replaces an existing property or - if it does not exist - add it (default).
replace 1.0Replaces an existing property.
merge 1.0

Merges the information into an existing property.

Property value and property controls of the existing property are only overridden if the new value is not empty.


Merges the information into an existing property.

Looking at the property as a list of values the service integrates the given values into the existing list.

Duplicates are not added.


Merges the information into an existing property.

Looking at the property as a list of values the service removes all values provided in the given list.


Merges the information into an existing property.

Removes all values and replaces them with the new ones.

In contrast to replace this position will keep the structure of the value untouched. So the values are replaced inside a macro. The macro is not replaced by the values.

For the list postion values (position ends with -values) values the following macros are supported:

  1. Name List Macro (Names parameter)
  2. Tag List Macro (Names parameter)
  3. Name Body List Macro (body)
  4. Tag Body List Macro (body)
  5. Parent Property Macro (Parent Doctype parameter)


If you use replace and you do not specify a value for controls, the property controls will be overridden with blank.

Typically you would use merge to only set the value.


The following examples show usage scenarios for this service.

For all examples keep in mind: The name of the property, as well as the document it is part of, is specified in the URL.

Replace a Property Value


The following sets the value and preserves the control values.

  "value": "The value of the new property.",
  "position": "merge"

If you would use position 'replace' you would remove any controls set to the property. Replace replaces value and controls. The name is never removed by a blank property, so it can be omitted.