Updates and renames a section of a projectdoc document.

Short Name
REST Method

Updates and renames a section of a projectdoc document.

Backup your Data!


There is no undo!

It is strongly recommended to run commands only on backed-up instances!

Make a backup of your data before starting to work with this API! Consider to run your experiments on a copy of the production data!

If your environment does not support the HTTP PATCH method try to use the patch resource at projectdoc/1/patch/document/{id}/section/{name} as a workaround.

Sections do not track modification date and ETag. Therefore the returned information refers to the enclosing document. ETags are only supported on Confluence platforms version 5.10 and later.

Path Parameter

All path parameters are required to be specified.


The unique identifier of the requested projectdoc document.


The title or identifier of the requested section.


The format of the representation to post to the URL may be XML or JSON.

Note that the title of the document will be overridden by the title or id specified in the URL as path parameter name.


Section titles do not need to be unique. Although it is not recommended to have sections the the same title, the service does not reject to create one.

The API currently does not provide means to select sections with non-unique names.

Positioning of a document is specified with the position and ref elements of the representation.


The value of the title is the new title for the section.

If no title is specified, the old title is not changed.


The content references the section body.

  "content": "The section content."

The body is added verbatim, so it may contain HTML tags.

  "content": "The <strong>section</strong> content."

You may also specify macros as content as shown in the following example.

  "content": "<p>A paragraph.</p><p><ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"projectdoc-display-table\" ac:schema-version=\"1\"><ac:parameter ac:name=\"doctype\">blank</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"render-no-hits-as-blank\">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"select\">Name, Short Description</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"restrict-to-immediate-children\">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"sort-by\">Sort Key, Name</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro></p>"

You may enclose the body of a section within an XML element called content.

  "content": "<content><p>A paragraph.</p><p><ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"projectdoc-display-table\" ac:schema-version=\"1\"><ac:parameter ac:name=\"doctype\">blank</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"render-no-hits-as-blank\">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"select\">Name, Short Description</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"restrict-to-immediate-children\">true</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"sort-by\">Sort Key, Name</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro></p></content>"


While it is technically possible to specify the ref parameter, it has no function for patching a section. Therefore the result for using this parameter is not specified.


This parameter should not be used for the current version of this service.


The only valid position is replace which is the default.


This parameter should not be used for the current version of this service.