Add roles to your space and set the audience of a topic document to one of the roles.

Level of Experience
Expected Duration
1:45 minutes


Specifying the target of the audience is one of the first important tasks when creating a document for your technical documentation.

This screencast shows how to create roles and set the target audience of a topic document.

We show how to create two roles: Ops (Operations) and QRT (Quick Response Team). QRT is a specialized role to Ops. This is expressed by adding the QRT role document as a subdocument to the Ops document.


Please note that short descriptions are usually one two three sentences long. The short descriptions in the screencast are short to spare your time. (smile)

What also is not shown: The detailed information on the role. Please refer to the Role doctype for details.





It may help, if you have watched the screencast on micro structure first.


Watch this screencast on YouTube: