Space properties are defined for spaces and are accessed via the Space Property Macro. This tip goes into detail in how to use space properties with inheritence and extension pages.

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Organizing spaces often implies some variation by using a centralized configuration of variables. The projectdoc Toolbox implements these variables as space properties.

Space properties are properties defined on the space home page within the Document Properties Marker Macro. Multiple macros of the projectdoc Toolbox take advantage of this space-local configuration option.

This tip introduces the concept of space properties and provides links to further resources for advanced usage scenarios.


Basic Usage

The basic usage scenarios are specifying space properties and displaying space properties.

Define Space Properties

To define a property for a space you need to have write-access to the space home page.

Locating the Homepage


Users typically find the home page by clicking on the  space icon on the upper left side of a page.

In case your space uses a theme that hides the space icon, you will find the home page on the space overview page. Look for the cog icon to access the space configuration pages and then click 'Overview'.

On the Space Details tab there is the reference to the home page of the space.

Open the space home page in the editor and add your properties to the table of the Document Properties Marker Macro.

Add a property per table row. The first column is the name of the property, the second column holds the value for the property. In the third column you find controls for the property. There are special controls for space properties.

  1. Space keys are required to be text-only. If there is additional markup your keys will not be recognized. Please refer to Cannot access Property from a Document for more information on this topic.
  2. Please note that not all space properties defined by projectdoc are resolving the values. Check the description of the space properties for details.
  3. Since version 1.11 of the projectdoc Toolbox users may use space property references to reference space properties within the table of the Document Properties Marker Macro more easily. Prior to this version use the Display Space Property Macro.

Use Space Properties

To reference a space property use the Display Space Property Macro.


We refer to the Display Space Property Macro, not the Display Space Attribute Macro, which is also part of the projectdoc Toolbox. While the first accesses properties defined with the Document Properties Marker Macro the latter references attributes defined by Confluence.

Using the macro is very simple: Type the name of the space property you want to display and you are done.

Leave the space parameter empty to refer to the current space. This allows to copy a page to a new space and automatically reference properties of the new space.

You may not only reference text, but also images. In the example above the value of the space property Logo is an image. Render the logo just like this:

Document Properties vs. Space Properties


Properties for documents and properties for spaces are both defined with the Document Properties Marker Macro. The only difference is the location of the macro. If it is on a space home page then these properties are accessible as space properties. You may also access the properties as document properties of the home page by using the display document properties macros. The only difference is that the document property macros require you to specify the document to access properties from.

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All Properties

Authors might want to peek into all available space properties from a given page.

Use the Display All Space Properties Macro to list all space properties. This is especially helpful if you inherit properties from other spaces (see Advanced Features).

Advanced Features

For more complex documentation scenarios, projectdoc provides a number of advanced features.

Inherit Properties from Spaces

projectdoc allows you to set spaces in hierarchies using the Delegate Space property, which is a space property. Any properties defined in delegate spaces are automatically visible in the delegating space.

Please refer to Space Hierarchies for more information on this topic.

Organize Properties by Extension Documents

The number of space properties may be rising with time. To manage large amounts of space properties you may group them semantically and store them on separate pages.

Use the space property Space Properties Extension (Space Property) to list pages that provide additional space properties as a space property on your space home page.

User-specific Settings

Properties specified within the properties table of the Document Properties Marker Macro on the home page of the user are also taken into account when rendering space properties.

These properties are used to define user-specific home pages for document types or allow users to switch roles.


Using user space properties may cause confusion within a team. One team member may have set a property another team member has not and therefore they get different renderings of a page. The reason for the difference is often not instantly obvious. Compare the properties for each user with the Display All Space Properties to see the differences in the configuration. The macro also shows where a particular space property is defined.

Use Space Property Controls to limit the export of space properties.

Templating with Space Properties

Template authors may want to display certain content only if a given space property is set. The Content Marker Macro allows to specify space properties that need to be set to show the content. 

This option is also available for sections.

Use Cases

Here are a couple of use cases that employ space properties.

Maven Projects

With projectdoc you may create spaces for software projects built with Maven. Create a space by reading the project's POM file. The properties of the POM are automatically made available as space properties.

Depending on the version of the product, different space properties may be enforced by using space properties extensions.


The doctype add-on is not yet available on the Atlassian Marketplace. Large POM files take a long time to create the space. While developers may deal with this, other users may be annoyed by the import process.

Until this problem is fixed users may choose to fork and build the add-on on their own. It is available on Bitbucket!

For more information on documenting projects built with Maven, please refer to:

Being a Pretender

Sometimes an author needs to look at a page as if she is a reader. For these use cases there is the Pretend Being A property that is only allowed to be specified as a user space property.

User-specific Home Pages

Users may want to define home pages for certain types of documents individually. It is also possible to store documents of a given subject automatically to a specific page.

The example shows how to set the home page for all Resource documents to 'Library' and direct all documents with the Subject 'Team Announcement' to the 'Announcements' page.

For more information on this topic, please refer to:

Macro Configuration

A number of macros in the projectdoc Toolbox refer to space properties for a central configuration.

Here are two examples:

Remote Information Systems

Space properties allow to specify URLs to remote information systems to be used by macros of the Information Systems Extension. If the URL to such an information system changes, the URL needs to be edited only in one place.

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Prior to version 1.11 of the projectdoc Toolbox these macros where part of the add-on. We decided to move them to an extension add-on since they are not required by all users. The extension is available for free, but needs the commercial projectdoc Toolbox Add-on installed.

Rendering Configuration

The Code Block Placeholder Macro takes advantage of space properties. You may for example define a default language with the Code Language property.


Space Resources

Find more information on using spaces with projectdoc here:

The query matched no documents.

Get Started

To get started with the projectdoc Toolbox have a look at the following resources:

Name Short Description
Introduction for new Users 
Hands-on Tutorial 
Basic Concepts and Conventions for projectdoc 
projectdoc on the Atlassian MarketplaceInstall the projectdoc Toolbox and doctype add-ons via the Atlassian Marketplace.