Document the result of a OKR check-in.


Track your progress. Show and discuss what you have achieved within the cycle and the reasons why. Also estimate the value of what you are doing. Maybe an objective needs to be abandoned?


The document type check-in provides the following properties:


Please note that only information about specific properties is provided here. Common document property used by all document types are documented by Document Properties.


Specify the type of the check-in to organize them.

Use the check-in type to define types of check-ins.


State the location where the check-in takes place.

Since this is also the meeting minutes for this check-in it contains metadata for minutes. In case you are evaluating your progress for your check-in informally, skip this information.


State the date when this check-in takes place. This is per default the current day.


Log the start and end time of the check-in meeting. Expected format is 09:30-10:15.

Since this is also the meeting minutes for this check-in it contains metadata for minutes. In case you are evaluating your progress for your check-in informally, skip this information.


List the stakeholders that are invited to attend this check-in.

In case you are evaluating your progress for your check-in informally, skip this information.


The start date of the cycle this check-in is part of.

The start is typically referring to the parent's start date. Note that the Start property is hidden and rendered as part of the Cycle property.


The end date wof the cycle this check-in is part of.

The end is typically referring to the parent's end date. Note that the End property is hidden and rendered as part of the Cycle property.


For brevity and to save space the start and end date are rendered with the Cycle property as a period.


Log the scored value by the end of the interval. The format of the value is a decimal value between .01 (or .05) and 1.


Log optionally the value as an absolute number.



Describe the reason for the scored value in more detail if the short description provides not enough room.

Write down everything that helps to understand the current situation what led to here, and how to proceed to meet the defined goal.

Next Priorities

List the things you'll focus on the next week.

Coming Priorities

What is your plan for a few weeks ahead? Be transparent so that other stakeholders may learn how to support you.

Current Score

An automatic overview over objectives and key results related to this check-in's parent document.

Use this as an overview over your current situation.

Health Metrics

Keep an eye on things that really matter besides the objectives you focus on.

Actions to Improve!

Make a prioritized list of actions to meet the goals of this cycle.

Subordinate Check-ins

In case you need to organize check-ins in a hierarchy then add additional check-ins as children to this check-in. Subordinate check-ins will then be automatically listed.


These are internal notes that are usually not exported and only visible to team members with write access.

But this is not a safe place to store sensible information. It is just a convenience for the reader to not be bothered with notes stored here for the authors for later use. The security level is about suppressing the representation by a CSS style. Therefore consider this as a convenience for the reader, not as a security tool.


The text of notes sections is also indexed.


For a document the references section contains pointers to resources that prove the statements of the document.

Often these proofs are not easily distinguishable from further information. In this case you may want to skip the reference section in favour for the resource list.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.


The resources section provides references to further information to the topic of the document.

This may be information on the internet provided by the resource or information in the team's information systems. Anything the reader of the resource might want to know, may be listed here.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.