Tools to render information based on queries at view-time.

Property Values

Macros that generate a dynamic list automatically should be used as property values carefully. As long as the property value should be displayed at the time the page is rendered, everything is fine. But since the value rendered at the time of saving the page is set into the Lucene index, searching for this page yields only under certain contexts the required results.


Suppose the Display Table Macro is used as a value for a property in the Document Properties Marker Macro. At the time of saving the page the list shows the rows A and B. On a query on that property with value A, B or A AND B, the page will be part of a result set.

Later on the the page is displayed (but not again saved) and now shows B, C, D. The page will still be on the result set for the query with value A, B or AND B. This is because the Lucene Index is not updated unless the page is saved.

Automatic List

The terms dynamic list and automatic list are synonyms.

The term dynamic value is more general than dynamic list. It is a dynamic list with only one item or may refer to any other tool that generates a value at request time.


Resources related to automatic / dynamic lists.