Shows how content can be decomposed and merged. This feature can be used to allow transclusion of single sentences and render all sentences in a single paragraph.

Level of Experience

The Content Marker Macro allows to wrap content with an identifier. This content can be transcluded.


This feature is supported with version 4.12 of the projectdoc Toolbox.


In a specification the sentences of a paragraph may be wrapped in Content Marker Macros.

The following example shows a fragment from Profiles for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0. Each sentence may be transcluded or referenced by its HTML ID (e.g. #DocumentTitle-Def.1a).

Without merging the blocks, the paragraph will be rendered as

When the content marker are merged, the paragraph is rendered as


The following example again uses content of Profiles for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0 to show how content can be presented in separate content elements.

Without merging blocks the list would be rendered like this:

With merging blocks, the list items of the individual lists are merged into one list.

Table Merger Macro


Merging block elements is tight to the use of the Content Marker Macro. If you are looking for a more generic way to merge lists and tables, check out – despite its name – the Table Merger Macro.