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Central Codes

List of central codes.

NameTypeShort Description
200 - OKHTTP Response Code
The request has been processed successfully.
201 - CreatedHTTP Response Code
The request has been processed successfully and one or more resources have been created.
204 - No ContentHTTP Response Code
The request has been processed successfully and there is not content to return in the response.
400 - Bad RequestHTTP Response Code
The request of the client is not correct and therefore cannot be processed.
401 - UnauthorizedHTTP Response Code
The request cannot be processed until the client has authenticated successfully. Currently the client has not sufficient privileges to have this request processed.
404 - Not FoundHTTP Response Code
The requested resource could not be found.
409 - ConflictHTTP Response Code
Signals that the request cannot be processed successfully since the resource is in conflict with the provided representation
500 - Internal ErrorHTTP Response Code
The request cannot be processed successfully due to an error on the server side.
Idempotent operation to delete a resource.
Safe and idempotent operation to access a representation of a resource.
Wildcard operation to execute a resource service.
Idempotent operation to replace a resource by providing a new representation.
Userscript AdminsConfluence User Group
Group to manage userscripts on a Confluence server.