Central Experience Levels

The central experience levels to tag topics.

The Benner model (PDF) is based on the model of Dreyfus, but adds an additional beginners level and removes the mastery level. The explanation is based on Andrew Hunt (Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware), who adopted the Benner model for the area of software development.

The experience levels are always associated to a given topic. So if a document is tagged with 'Advanced Beginner' this does not imply that the user may be an 'Advanced Beginner' in any topic.


A reader is starting to learn a new functional programming language. A tutorial teaching the basics of functional programming is labelled as 'Advanced Beginner'. The tutorial may assume that readers are experts in using a computer and therefore safely assume that they know how to handle the input devices or create and edit a file.

No prior experience.
Advanced Beginner
Experience to get the job done. Requires instructions to the point.
Good experience to develop conceptual models of the domain.
Rich experience with the need to get detailed information on the topic.
Vast experience requiring specific information.

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