Adding more rules to find boxed property values that break paragraphs

Today we released version 1.12.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

projectdoc is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 


If you have not problems with property values being rendered with the Display Space Property Macro or the Display Document Property Macro then you do not need to install this patch.

The patch is intended to match property values that are surrounded by a HTML-DIV element. The patch 1.12.2 did something similar, but checked for box elements inside the DIV. So if 1.12.2 did not fix the issues in rendering property values on your machine, this patch may.

You could check this prior to installing this patch. Use the Confluence Source Editor to check if the values in the value cells of the properties table are enclosed by a div and a p. If so, use patch 1.12.2. If they are enclosed in a div that does not contain a single block element, then try 1.12.3.

List of Changes

The complete list of changes for this release.

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