Improved support for indexes and howtos

Today we released version 1.15.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

projectdoc is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

New and Noteworthy

The following changes may be the most interesting of this release.

Preview Mode Enhancement

Preview mode for the Display Table Macro initiated a search even if no constraints has been specified. This resulted in putting load on the server where typically nobody was interested in the result.

With PDAC-711 - Getting issue details... STATUS the search is prohibited as long as no constraints are given.

Glossary Support Enhancement

Glossary terms often have short names or abbreviations. These need to be rendered in glossaries and refer to the name of the term in the index.

PDAC-712 - Getting issue details... STATUS allows to add the short names to the glossary.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Sometimes a step-by-step instruction is on one page. A simple ordered list may provide not enough room to provide the information for each step in a convenient way. On the other side the steps should not be treated like regular sections in the document.

With PDAC-713 - Getting issue details... STATUS the Steps Macro handles sections within its body as steps of an instruction. These sections are separated from regular sections of the page.

Links as Property Values

Parsing CDATA values for document properties has not been resolved correctly. This is especially an issue, if these values are links to other documents within the wiki.

Since this bug ( PDAC-715 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) causes wrong values to end up in the index, a reindex is required, if and only if CDATA content is found in property values.

Breaking Changes

There are no changes that actually break the API or the runtime. But one issue may require to reindex the the Lucene index to update broken property values.

Reindex required

Due to issue PDAC-715 - Getting issue details... STATUS  a reindex is required, if and only if CDATA content is found in property values.

Related Releases

In the latest version of the Information Systems Extension the Autoconvert component reads the DC.title header or the HTML title to set the label for the macro. This is due to issue PDEXINFOSY-12 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

This makes it a lot easier for page authors to link to HTML resources on remote information systems registered with Confluence.

List of Changes

The complete list of changes for this release.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


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