Allows to collapse and expand sections in view mode.

Client Logging Module

Users may easily collapse large sections when reading a document to focus on certain areas.


Some details on how to use this tool.

What does it do?

The Section Collapse adds an icon to collapse and expand the referenced section.

The right chevron indicates that the section is collapsed, the down chevron indicates that the section can be collapsed.

A simple click will collapse or expand the section. Ctrl+Click will collapse or expand all sections.

Collapsed Section by Default


Use the CSS class projectdoc-collapse-on-startup to collapse a section when a page is presented.

How is it integrated?

Users in the group of confluence-administrators are able to activate and deactivate (default) the feature on the Features control panel.

In case you find this feature confusing or it interferes with other tools you use on your Confluence platform, simply deactivate it.

The feature may also only be activated for the listed Confluence groups. If no group is specified there is no restriction. Per default users need to be confluence-users to have access to the toggle button.


More information on the topic of tools for editing is available by the following resources.