Package de.smartics.exceptions.code

Package class diagram package de.smartics.exceptions.code
Provides code implementations.


Interface Summary
NumberCode A specific code interface that deals with number codes.

Class Summary
DefaultCodeComparator<T extends Code> The default code comparator compares the component and then the code by lexicographical order.
NumberCodeComparator<T extends NumberCode> The default code comparator compares the component and then the code numerical by major and minor number.
NumberCodeInfo This Code implementation models the exception code as a number.
NumberCodeOnlyComparator<T extends NumberCode> The default code comparator compares the code numerical by major and minor number.
RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo Implements a number code with padded zeros in front.
TwoNumberCodeInfo This Code implementation models the exception code as a number.

Package de.smartics.exceptions.code Description

Provides code implementations.

This package contains implementations of the Code interface and comparator implementations to compare instances of those classes.

By default the NumberCodeInfo is used. Alternatives are:

  1. NumberCodeInfo: MyComp-1010
  2. RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo: MyComp-001010
  3. TwoNumberCodeInfo: MyComp-1000-10


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