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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2007-2013 smartics, Kronseder & Reiner GmbH
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message;
18  import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
19  import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
20  import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
21  import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
22  import java.lang.annotation.Target;
24  /**
25   * Adds information to a field of the parent exception about which parameter in
26   * a message it provides information. This way the attributes (properties)
27   * 'message' and (more important) cause can be accessed to provide information
28   * for a place holder in a message template.
29   *
30   * @see MessageParam
31   */
32  @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
33  @Documented
34  @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
35  public @interface ParentMessageParam
36  {
37    /**
38     * The index of the place holder in the message text the field provides
39     * information for.
40     * <p>
41     * <p>
42     * If the index is not sufficient, because there is a certain property within
43     * the referenced entity, an <a
44     * href="">OGNL</a> (Object-Graph Navigation
45     * Language may be added to access a particular value.
46     * </p>
47     * <p>
48     * {@markupSource "Syntax"
49     * <code>property=index:ognl-path</code>}
50     * </p>
51     * <p>
52     * {@markupExample "Example" <code>cause=1:message</code>}
53     * </p>
54     * <p>
55     * If several properties of a referenced entity are to be displayed at
56     * different indices, separate them by commas and the information for
57     * different properties separate by colons (<code>;</code>).
58     * </p>
59     * <p>
60     * {@markupExample "Example"
61     * <code><b>cause</b>=1:message,3:message,4:localizedMessage; <b>message</b>=5</code>}
62     * </p>
63     * <p>
64     * <b>Example 1</b>
65     * </p>
66     * <p>
67     * {@example {@annotation ParentMessageParam("cause=0:message")} public class
68     * MethodAccessConfigurationException extends
69     * PropertyAccessConfigurationException}
70     * </p>
71     * <p>
72     * The parent property <code>cause</code> provides the information for
73     * placeholder <code>1</code> by the throwable's <code>message</code> text.
74     * </p>
75     * <p>
76     * <b>Example 2</b>
77     * </p>
78     * <p>
79     * {@example {@annotation ParentMessageParam(
80     * "cause=1:message,3:message,4:localizedMessage; message=5")} public class
81     * ExampleException extends AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException}
82     * </p>
83     * <p>
84     * The parent property <code>{@link Throwable#getCause() cause}</code>
85     * provides the information (
86     * <code>{@link Throwable#getMessage() message}</code>) for placeholder
87     * <code>1</code> and <code>3</code> (just to show how the same information
88     * can be used for different placeholders), the
89     * <code>{@link Throwable#getLocalizedMessage() localizedMessage}</code>
90     * provides information for placeholder <code>4</code> and the parent's
91     * <code>{@link Throwable#getMessage() message}</code> is used to supply a
92     * value for placeholder <code>5</code>.
93     * </p>
94     */
95    String value() default "";
96  }