Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageType
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n The core package for the I18N exception handling. 
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message Provides classes for the internationalization of exception messages. Provides placeholders for messages. 

Uses of MessageType in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n with parameters of type MessageType
 String MessageComposer.composeMessage(Object bean, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle, String keyPrefix, MessageType messageType)
          Creates the message from the message template.
 String AbstractMessageRuntimeException.getLocalizedMessage(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String AbstractMessageException.getLocalizedMessage(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String AbstractMessageBean.getLocalizedMessage(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException.getLocalizedMessage(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String AbstractLocalizedException.getLocalizedMessage(String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String MessageBean.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
          Returns the message for the given type.
 String LocalizedException.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
          Returns the message for the given message type.
 String AbstractMessageRuntimeException.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
 String AbstractMessageException.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
 String AbstractMessageBean.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
 String AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
          Returns the message for the given message type.
 String AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(Locale locale, MessageType messageType)
 String LocalizedException.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Returns the message for the given message type and the system's default locale.
 String AbstractMessageRuntimeException.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Calls AbstractMessageRuntimeException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list (Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
 String AbstractMessageException.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Calls AbstractMessageException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list (Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
 String AbstractMessageBean.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Calls AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list (Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
 String AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Returns the message for the given message type and the system's default locale.
 String AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(MessageType messageType)
          Calls AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list (Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).

Uses of MessageType in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message that return MessageType
static MessageType MessageType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static MessageType[] MessageType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message with parameters of type MessageType
 String DefaultMessageComposer.composeMessage(Object exception, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle, String keyPrefix, MessageType messageType)
 String LocalizedInfo.createLocalizedMessage(Object bean, String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Creates a localized message.
 String LocalizedInfo.createMessage(Object bean, String keyPrefix, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Creates a message.
 String LocalizedInfo.getLocalizedMessage(Object bean, String keyPrefix, Locale locale, MessageType messageType, ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the localized message for the given locale.
 String Messages.getMessage(MessageType type)
          Returns the message of the given type.
 boolean Messages.hasMessage(MessageType type)
          Checks if there is a message for the given type.
 Messages.Builder Messages.Builder.put(MessageType type, String message)
          Adds the given message as the given type.

Uses of MessageType in

Methods in that return MessageType
 MessageType PlaceHolderDescId.getMessageType()
          Returns the type of the indexed message.
 MessageType PlaceHolderDesc.getPlaceHolderMessageType()
          Returns the type of the indexed message.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageType
 List<PlaceHolderDesc> PlaceHolderInfo.getPlaceHolderDescs(MessageType messageType)
          Returns an iteration over the place holder descriptions in their natural order.

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageType
PlaceHolderDesc(PlaceHolderDesc desc, MessageType messageType)
          Copy constructor with a new message type.
PlaceHolderDescId(int placeHolderIndex, MessageType messageType)
          Default constructor.

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