Interface ProjectConfiguration<O>

Package class diagram package ProjectConfiguration
Type Parameters:
O - the type of the output writer.

public interface ProjectConfiguration<O>

Implementations of this class provide information about what parts of the project should be covered with the report. This class provides means to include and exclude packages and classes.

Method Summary
 ResourceBundle getBundle()
          Returns the bundle set for this report execution.
 de.smartics.messages.core.BundleMapper getBundleMapper()
          Returns the mapper of the item class to the resource bundle with information for instances of this class.
 Collection<String> getClassRootDirectoryNames()
          Returns the list of class path root elements of this project.
 List<String> getExcludes()
          Returns the excludes for the scanner.
 List<String> getIncludes()
          Returns the includes for the scanner.
 File getJavadocDir()
          Returns the absolute directory path where the Javadoc pages are found.
 String getJavadocRelativeDir()
          Returns the relative directory path where the Javadoc pages are found.
 String getProjectName()
          Returns the name of the project being processed.
 String getReport()
          Returns the name of the file the report will be written to.
 String getReportEncoding()
          Returns the encoding for the generated report.
 String getReporter()
          Returns the reporter implementation to use to generate the code report.
 ReportGenerator<O> getReporterInstance()
          Returns the report generator instance set by #setReporter(String).
 String getSourceEncoding()
          Returns the encoding specified for the sources in the project.
 Collection<String> getSourceRootDirectoryNames()
          Returns the list of source path root elements of this project.
 String getStyleSheet()
          The reference to the style sheet to add as link element to the head of the XHTML document.

Method Detail


String getProjectName()
Returns the name of the project being processed.

the name of the project being processed.


Collection<String> getClassRootDirectoryNames()
Returns the list of class path root elements of this project.

the list of class path root elements of this project.


Collection<String> getSourceRootDirectoryNames()
Returns the list of source path root elements of this project.

the list of source path root elements of this project.


List<String> getIncludes()
Returns the includes for the scanner.

the includes for the scanner.


List<String> getExcludes()
Returns the excludes for the scanner.

the excludes for the scanner.


String getSourceEncoding()
Returns the encoding specified for the sources in the project.

the encoding specified for the sources in the project.


String getReportEncoding()
Returns the encoding for the generated report.

the encoding for the generated report.


String getReporter()
Returns the reporter implementation to use to generate the code report.

the reporter implementation to use to generate the code report. This is the name of the class of the reporter implementation.


ReportGenerator<O> getReporterInstance()
Returns the report generator instance set by #setReporter(String).

the report generator instance.


String getReport()
Returns the name of the file the report will be written to.

the name of the file the report will be written to.


ResourceBundle getBundle()
Returns the bundle set for this report execution.

the bundle set for this report execution.


File getJavadocDir()
Returns the absolute directory path where the Javadoc pages are found. This information is used to make relative links from the exceptions report to the Javadocs.

This value is optional and may be null.

the directory where the Javadoc pages are found.


String getJavadocRelativeDir()
Returns the relative directory path where the Javadoc pages are found. This information is used to make relative links from the exceptions report to the Javadocs.

This value is optional and may be null.

the directory where the Javadoc pages are found.


String getStyleSheet()
The reference to the style sheet to add as link element to the head of the XHTML document.

This value is optional and may be null.

the reference to the style sheet to add as link element to the head of the XHTML document.


de.smartics.messages.core.BundleMapper getBundleMapper()
Returns the mapper of the item class to the resource bundle with information for instances of this class.

the mapper to the resource bundles.

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