Package de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla

Package class diagram package de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Provides classes to generate reports with Bugzilla.


Interface Summary
Sectioner<T> Interface to create instances to preprocess issue lists.
VersionSkipper Arbiter to exclude or include versions in a report.

Class Summary
AbstractBugzillaReportMojo The base implementation of all bugzilla reports.
AbstractIssuesReportRenderer The renderer provides helper methods to render a table.
AbstractSectionReportRenderer The renderer prints issue information in different sections.
AbstractVersionSkipper Arbiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
BugzillaQueryData The data used to construct issue queries for Bugzilla.
BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo The report to generate release notes.
BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo The report to generate release plans.
BugzillaRepositoryFacade Facade to interface with a Bugzilla repository.
BugzillaSectionReportMojo The report to generate release notes.
BugzillaVersionFactory Implementation of the version factory for Bugzilla.
BugzillaVersionRange Implements a version range.
DefaultVersionSkipper Aribiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
ReleasePlanVersionSkipper Aribiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
ReportHelper Provides helper methods for reports.
Sections Provides information for sections within a version.
Sections.Section Container for the tasks belonging to one section.
SimpleSectioner Selects the issues to their categories.
TabularReportMojo The report to generate a tabular representation of issues.
TabularReportRenderer The renderer prints issues in the order fetched to a table.
VersionedSectioner Selects the issues to their categories.
VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer The renderer prints issue information in different sections within their version.
VersionedSectionReportRenderer The renderer prints issue information in different sections within their version.
Versions Contains sections separated by their versions.
Versions.VersionedSections A versioned sections information bundle.

Package de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla Description

Provides classes to generate reports with Bugzilla. The dependencies to Bugzilla manifest in the connection classes that define the 'protocol' talking to Bugzilla as well as analyzing the retrieved results.


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