View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Copyright 2008-2013 smartics, Kronseder & Reiner GmbH
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla;
18  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
19  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
20  import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
22  import de.smartics.maven.issues.VersionType;
24  /**
25   * Aribiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a
26   * report.
27   *
28   * @author <a href="">Robert Reiner</a>
29   * @version $Revision:591 $
30   */
31  public class DefaultVersionSkipper extends AbstractVersionSkipper
32  {
33    // ********************************* Fields *********************************
35    // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------
37    /**
38     * Reference to the logger for this class.
39     */
40    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultVersionSkipper.class);
42    // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------
44    /**
45     * Flag to indicate the only the current release is to be rendered.
46     */
47    private final boolean currentReleaseOnly;
49    // ****************************** Initializer *******************************
51    // ****************************** Constructors ******************************
53    /**
54     * Default constructor.
55     *
56     * @param versionType the version type to be accepted.
57     * @param hasVersionRange defines if the configuration has a version range
58     *          defined.
59     */
60    public DefaultVersionSkipper(final VersionType versionType,
61        final boolean hasVersionRange)
62    {
63      super(versionType);
64      this.currentReleaseOnly = useCurrentReleaseVersionOnly(hasVersionRange);
65    }
67    // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************
69    // ********************************* Methods ********************************
71    // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------
73    // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------
75    // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------
77    /**
78     * Checks if only issues matching the current release version should be taken
79     * into account.
80     *
81     * @param hasVersionRange defines if the configuration has a version range
82     *          defined.
83     * @return <code>true</code> if only the current version is valid,
84     *         <code>false</code> if all issues are to be considered. Please note
85     *         that if there is a version range this range has been used as a
86     *         constraint for the query. So all issues returned already meet the
87     *         version constraint.
88     */
89    private boolean useCurrentReleaseVersionOnly(final boolean hasVersionRange)
90    {
91      return !hasVersionRange && versionType != VersionType.MICRO;
92    }
94    /**
95     * Checks if the <code>version</code> should be skipped so that issues
96     * associated with this version are not rendered in the report.
97     *
98     * @param releaseVersion the version of the release.
99     * @param version the version to check for skipping its issues.
100    * @return <code>true</code> if the issues should be skipped and not rendered
101    *         in the report, <code>false</code> otherwise.
102    */
103   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
104   public boolean skipVersion(final ArtifactVersion releaseVersion,
105       final ArtifactVersion version)
106   {
107     final boolean isLaterVersionThanRelease =
108         releaseVersion.compareTo(version) < 0;
109     final boolean notCurrentReleaseButRequired =
110         (currentReleaseOnly && !releaseVersion.equals(version));
111     final boolean isAllowedAsCurrentSnapshot =
112         isReleaseSnapshotOfVersion(releaseVersion, version);
113     final boolean isAllowedOnSamePage =
114         versionType.isSameType(releaseVersion, version)
115             && !isLaterVersionThanRelease;
116     final boolean skip =
117         !isAllowedAsCurrentSnapshot && !isAllowedOnSamePage
118             && (isLaterVersionThanRelease || notCurrentReleaseButRequired);
119     if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
120     {
121       LOG.trace("currentReleaseOnly=" + currentReleaseOnly + ", release="
122                 + releaseVersion + ", version=" + version
123                 + ", isLaterVersionThanRelease=" + isLaterVersionThanRelease
124                 + ", notCurrentReleaseButRequired="
125                 + notCurrentReleaseButRequired
126                 + ", isAllowedAsCurrentSnapshot=" + isAllowedAsCurrentSnapshot
127                 + ", isAllowedOnSamePage=" + isAllowedOnSamePage + ", skip="
128                 + skip);
129     }
130     return (skip);
131   }
133   // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------
135 }