Annotation Type Document

public @interface Document

Provides meta information about the document associated with the annotated element.

Please not that some of the annotation's information found at the type level are inherited to the elements defined in this type. These elements are explicitly documented to reflect this.


Usage Example

@Document(name = "parent", shortDescription = "Parent Short Description.",
  notes = { "Parent Note 1", "Parent Note 2" }, space = "parent space",
  title = "Parent Title", sortKey = "Parent Sort Key",
  summary = "Parent Summary", audience = { "developer", "plugin developer" })
  public interface TestProperties {
    String inheritAll();

    @Document(name = "Child Name 1",
        shortDescription = "Child 1 Short Description.",
        notes = { "Child 1 Notes" }, space = "Child 1 Space",
        title = "Child 1 Title", sortKey = "Child 1 Sort Key",
        summary = "Child 1 Summary", audience = "Child 1 Audience")
    String oneValue();

    @Document(audience = { "Child 2 Audience 1", "Child 2 Audience 2" })
    String multipleValues();

See Also:
DocCategory, DocParent, DocTag

Optional Element Summary
 String[] audience
          Names the intended audience of the document.
 String name
          The name of the element as it is to be used in the documentation.
 String[] notes
          Some notes to be added to the documentation of the element.
 String shortDescription
          A short description to be used in a tabular index.
 String sortKey
          The optional sort key if a natural ordering on the title or name is not sufficient.
 String space
          A document may be associated with a space.
 String summary
          A summary with more details than the short description.
 String title
          The title of the document unique within the given space.


public abstract String name
The name of the element as it is to be used in the documentation. This allows to specify names that are otherwise impossible due to Java naming rules.

At type level the content may be used as a prefix for all elements of the type.

The name is required to be unique and is not necessarily human readable. The name may be a local name that is only unique within a given context, if this context information is be added by the parser/tool.

This is an identification element.



public abstract String space
A document may be associated with a space. While the name is required to be unique within the set of all documents, the title of a document is only unique within its space.

If this information is given at type level, it is inherited to the elements defined in this type (if a value is not provided explicitly on the element level).

This is an identification element.



public abstract String title
The title of the document unique within the given space.

This is an identification element.



public abstract String[] audience
Names the intended audience of the document.

If this information is given at type level, it is inherited to the elements defined in this type. Any information provided at the element level is added to the inherited values.

This is a description element.



public abstract String shortDescription
A short description to be used in a tabular index.

At type level the content is applied to the set of properties.

This is a description element.



public abstract String summary
A summary with more details than the short description.

At type level the content is applied to the set of properties.

This is a description element.



public abstract String[] notes
Some notes to be added to the documentation of the element.

At type level the notes are added to the notes of the individual elements.

This is a description element.



public abstract String sortKey
The optional sort key if a natural ordering on the title or name is not sufficient.

This is a filing element.

See Also:
DocCategory, DocTag, DocParent

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