Interface ConfigurationKey<T extends ConfigurationKey<?>>

Package class diagram package ConfigurationKey
Type Parameters:
T - the implementing type of this interface.
All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<T>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConfigurationKey, EnvAppConfigurationKey, TenantUserConfigurationKey

public interface ConfigurationKey<T extends ConfigurationKey<?>>
extends Serializable, Comparable<T>

The configuration key identifies a configuration. With this key all configuration values can be accessed by their local configuration keys.

Method Summary
 int compareTo(T o)
 boolean equals(Object object)
          Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.
 boolean hasActiveDynamicParts()
          Returns true if this key instance has active dynamic parts.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code of the object.
 String toString()
          Returns the string representation of the object.

Method Detail


boolean hasActiveDynamicParts()
Returns true if this key instance has active dynamic parts. Returns false (otherwise) if this key instance has only static parts. The decision criteria between a static and a dynamic key is, if all keys are known at startup, or if keys have dynamic parts, like the current user or the current tenant which can change during runtime.

true when this key uses dynamic parts (and not only static parts). false otherwise.


int hashCode()
Returns the hash code of the object.

hashCode in class Object
the hash code.


boolean equals(Object object)
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.

equals in class Object
object - the instance to compare to.
true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.


int compareTo(T o)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<T extends ConfigurationKey<?>>


String toString()
Returns the string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
the string representation of the object.

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