
Package class diagram package
Provides helpers for service provider to implement ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.


Interface Summary
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory Factory to create instances of ConfigurationPropertiesManagement.
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers.
ConfigurationPropertiesSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers.
SerializableConfigurationPropertiesManagementSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers.

Class Summary
AbstractAdminModeConfigurationProperties Base implementation to support administration modes.
AbstractConfigurationProperties Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface.
AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory<T extends ConfigurationPropertiesManagement> Base implementation of the ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory.
AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface.
AbstractExternalConfigurationPropertiesManagement Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface.
AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties An implementation that stores all properties in-memory.
BootConfigurationProperties Implementation based on Properties.
BootLoader Loads boot properties that influence the loading of properties.
ClassPathLoader<T extends ConfigurationPropertiesManagement> Loads property descriptors and properties files found on the class path.
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementWithDefaults A configuration properties instance that contains the main configuration properties, which matches the key, and all the defaults that have a partial representation of the key.
FactoryCache<T extends ConfigurationPropertiesManagement> Creates and caches configurations.
InMemoryConfigurationRepositoryManagement Stores all configurations in memory.
InMemoryPropertiesManager Helper implementation to deal with property management.
MappedPropertyCollection Implementation of PropertyCollection based on a Map.
MultiPropertyCollection Provides access to a set of property iterators.
MultiSourcePropertiesManager Helper to provide multiple sources for any configurations found.
NativePropertyCollection Implementation of PropertyCollection based on a Map.
PropertiesHelper Simple utilities class to help on dealing with properties.
PropertiesPropertyCollection Implementation of PropertyCollection based on properties.
PropertiesPropertyProvider Provides an adapter for Properties instances to match the PropertyProvider interface.
UrlUtil Utiliy methody regarding Classloader URLs.

Package Description

Provides helpers for service provider to implement ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.


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