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  * Copyright 2012-2013 smartics, Kronseder & Reiner GmbH
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
 import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
 import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
 import de.smartics.util.lang.Arg;
 import de.smartics.util.lang.BlankArgumentException;
 import de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException;
  * Abstract implementation of the {@link ConfigurationProperties} interface.
 public abstract class AbstractConfigurationProperties implements
     ConfigurationProperties, ConfigurationPropertiesSpi
 { // NOPMD
   // ********************************* Fields *********************************
   // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------
    * The key that identifies the configuration.
    * @serial
   private final ConfigurationKey<?> key;
    * The registry to resolve property descriptors.
    * @serial
   private final PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry;
    * The helper to decrypt secured property values.
    * @serial
   private final PropertyValueSecurity decrypter;
    * The property value converter to and from Strings.
    * @serial
 97  0
   private final PropertyValueConverter converter =
       new BeanUtilsPropertyValueConverter();
    * The resolver to resolve property value expressions.
   private transient PropertyValueResolver resolver;
    * Helper to handle property change listeners.
    * @serial
 110  0
   private final PropertyChangeSupport support = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
   // ****************************** Initializer *******************************
   // ****************************** Constructor ******************************
    * Constructor for serializable subclasses.
   protected AbstractConfigurationProperties()
 120  0
 121  0
     this.key = null;
 122  0
     this.registry = null;
 123  0
     this.resolver = null;
 124  0
     this.decrypter = null;
 125  0
    * Default constructor.
    * @param key the key that identifies the configuration.
    * @param registry the registry to resolve property descriptors.
    * @param decrypter the helper to decrypt secured property values.
    * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code key}, {@code registry} or
    *           {@code decrypter} is <code>null</code>.
   protected AbstractConfigurationProperties(final ConfigurationKey<?> key,
       final PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry,
       final PropertyValueSecurity decrypter) throws NullArgumentException
 139  0
 140  0
     this.key = Arg.checkNotNull("key", key);
 141  0
     this.registry = Arg.checkNotNull("registry", registry);
 142  0
     this.decrypter = Arg.checkNotNull("decrypter", decrypter);
 143  0
     this.resolver = createResolver();
 144  0
   // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************
   // ********************************* Methods ********************************
   // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------
   private SimplePropertyValueResolver createResolver()
 154  0
     return new SimplePropertyValueResolver(registry, this);
   // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------
   public final ConfigurationKey<?> getKey()
 162  0
     return key;
   public final PropertyContext getContext(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
     throws NullPointerException
 169  0
     Arg.checkNotNull("descriptor", descriptor);
 170  0
     return new MandatoryPropertyContext(registry.getContext(descriptor),
   public final PropertiesContext getContext(final Class<?> declaringType)
     throws NullPointerException
 178  0
     Arg.checkNotNull("declaringType", declaringType);
 179  0
     return registry.getContext(declaringType);
    * Returns the registry to resolve property descriptors.
    * @return the registry to resolve property descriptors.
   public final PropertyDescriptorRegistry getRegistry()
 189  0
     return registry;
    * Returns the property value security helper to en- and decrypt property
    * values.
    * @return the property value security helper to en- and decrypt property
    *         values.
   public final PropertyValueSecurity getPropertyValueSecurity()
 201  0
     return decrypter;
   // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------
   public final DescribedProperty getProperty(final String key)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownPropertyException
 210  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key);
 211  0
     return getProperty(descriptor);
   public DescribedProperty getProperty(final String key,
       final Object defaultValue) throws IllegalArgumentException,
 219  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key);
 220  0
     return getProperty(descriptor, defaultValue);
   public final DescribedProperty getProperty(final PropertyKey key)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownPropertyException
 227  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key.toString());
 228  0
     return getProperty(descriptor);
   public final DescribedProperty getProperty(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownPropertyException
 235  0
     return getProperty(descriptor, null);
   public final <T> T getProperties(final Class<T> propertiesInterface)
 241  0
     return getProperties(propertiesInterface, toSerializable());
   public final <T> T getProperties(final Class<T> propertiesInterface,
       final SerializableConfigurationProperties configuration)
 248  0
     final PropertyConfigurationObjectBuilder builder =
         new PropertyConfigurationObjectBuilder();
 250  0
     return, configuration);
   public final Object getPropertyValue(final String key)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownPropertyException,
 258  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key);
 259  0
     return getPropertyValue(descriptor, null);
   public final Object getPropertyValue(final PropertyKey key)
     throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownPropertyException,
 267  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key.toString());
 268  0
     return getPropertyValue(descriptor, null);
   public final Object getPropertyValue(final String key,
       final Object defaultValue) throws NullArgumentException,
 276  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key);
 277  0
     return getPropertyValue(descriptor, defaultValue);
   public final String getPropertyValueAsString(final String key)
     throws NullArgumentException, PropertyValidationException
 284  0
     return getPropertyValue(key).toString();
   public final Object getPropertyValue(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor,
       final Object defaultValue) throws NullPointerException,
     PropertyValueConversionException, PropertyValidationException,
 293  0
     return getValidatedProperty(descriptor, defaultValue).getValidatedValue();
   public final String getPropertyValueAsString(final String key,
       final Object defaultValue) throws NullArgumentException,
 301  0
     return getPropertyValue(key, defaultValue).toString();
   public final Object getPropertyValue(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
     throws NullArgumentException, PropertyValidationException
 308  0
     return getPropertyValue(descriptor, null);
   public final String getPropertyValueAsString(
       final PropertyDescriptor descriptor) throws NullArgumentException,
 316  0
     return ObjectUtils.toString(getPropertyValue(descriptor, null), null);
   public final String getPropertyValueAsString(
       final PropertyDescriptor descriptor, final Object defaultValue)
     throws NullArgumentException, PropertyValidationException
 324  0
     return ObjectUtils.toString(getPropertyValue(descriptor, defaultValue),
   public final ValidatedProperty getValidatedProperty(final PropertyKey key,
       final Object defaultValue) throws IllegalArgumentException,
     UnknownPropertyException, PropertyValidationException, SecurityException
 333  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key.toString());
 334  0
     return getValidatedProperty(descriptor, defaultValue);
   public final ValidatedProperty getValidatedProperty(final String key,
       final Object defaultValue) throws IllegalArgumentException,
     UnknownPropertyException, PropertyValidationException, SecurityException
 342  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(key);
 343  0
     return getValidatedProperty(descriptor, defaultValue);
    * Returns the property descriptor for a given key.
    * @param key the key for which the property descriptor is needed.
    * @return the property descriptor for the given key.
    * @throws BlankArgumentException when the key is blank.
    * @throws PropertyValidationException when the configuration is invalid.
   protected final PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(final String key)
     throws BlankArgumentException, PropertyValidationException
 357  0
     Arg.checkNotBlank("key", key);
 359  0
     final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = registry.get(key);
 360  0
     if (descriptor == null)
 362  0
       throw new UnknownPropertyException(getKey(), key);
 364  0
     return descriptor;
    * Resolves, converts and validates the given value.
    * @param descriptor the property descriptor.
    * @param defaultValue the default value to use if {@code value} is
    *          <code>null</code> and there is no default expression.
    * @param value the value to resolve, convert and validate.
    * @return the resolved, converted and validated value.
    * @throws PropertyValueConversionException if the value cannot be converted
    *           from {@link String} to the target type. If the configuration is
    *           set to admin mode, the unresolved {@code value} will be returned.
    *           In this case the type is not of the target type as described by
    *           the descriptor.
    * @throws PropertyValidationException if at least on constraint is not met.
    * @throws SecurityException on any problem decrypting an encrypted value.
   protected final Object resolveAndConvertAndValidate(
       final PropertyDescriptor descriptor, final Object defaultValue,
       final Object value) throws PropertyValueConversionException,
     PropertyValidationException, SecurityException
 390  0
       final Object convertedValue =
           resolveAndConvert(descriptor, value, defaultValue);
 392  0
       validate(descriptor, convertedValue);
 394  0
       return convertedValue;
 396  0
     catch (final PropertyValueConversionException e)
 398  0
       if (isInAdminMode())
 400  0
         return value;
 402  0
       throw e;
 404  0
     catch (final PropertyValueResolveException e)
 406  0
       if (isInAdminMode())
 408  0
         return value;
 410  0
       throw e;
    * Validates the given value for the given property.
    * @param descriptor the descriptor to the property to use for validation.
    * @param value the property value to validate.
    * @param ifInOneOfTheseGroups the validation groups to consider in the
    *          validation process. The groups will be validated in the given
    *          order. As soon as a validation group fails, the validation process
    *          is aborted without checking the not yet processed groups.
   public void validate(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor, final Object value,
       final Class<?>... ifInOneOfTheseGroups)
 427  0
     final PropertyValidator validator = new PropertyValidator(isInAdminMode());
 428  0
     validator.validate(descriptor, value, ifInOneOfTheseGroups);
 429  0
    * Resolves and converts the given value.
    * @param descriptor the property descriptor.
    * @param value the value to resolve and convert.
    * @param defaultValue the default value to use if {@code value} is
    *          <code>null</code> and there is no default expression.
    * @return the resolved and converted value.
    * @throws PropertyValueResolveException if the value cannot be resolved.
    * @throws PropertyValueConversionException if the value cannot be converted
    *           from {@link String} to the target type.
    * @throws SecurityException on any problem decrypting an encrypted value.
   protected final Object resolveAndConvert(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor,
       final Object value, final Object defaultValue)
     throws PropertyValueResolveException, PropertyValueConversionException,
 449  0
     Object currentValue = value;
 450  0
     if (currentValue == null)
 452  0
       currentValue = descriptor.getDefaultExpression();
 453  0
       if (currentValue == null)
 455  0
         currentValue = defaultValue;
 459  0
     if (currentValue instanceof PropertyExpression)
 461  0
       final PropertyExpression expression = (PropertyExpression) currentValue;
 462  0
       currentValue = expression.getExpression();
 465  0
     if (currentValue instanceof String)
 467  0
       currentValue = resolveValue(descriptor, (String) currentValue);
 470  0
     if (descriptor.isSecured() && currentValue instanceof String)
 472  0
       currentValue = decrypter.decrypt(descriptor, (String) currentValue);
 475  0
     final Object convertedValue = convert(descriptor, currentValue);
 476  0
     return convertedValue;
   private String resolveValue(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor,
       final String value)
 484  0
       final String resolvedValue = resolver.resolve((String) value);
 485  0
       return resolvedValue;
 487  0
     catch (final ResolveConfigurationException e)
 489  0
       throw new PropertyValueResolveException(
           new PropertyExpressionMessageBean(e, descriptor, e.getExpression()));
   private Object convert(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor,
       final Object currentValue)
 497  0
     if (currentValue == null)
 499  0
       return null;
 502  0
     return converter.convert(descriptor, currentValue);
   public final void validate() throws ConfigurationValidationException
 508  0
 509  0
   public final void validate(final Class<?>... groups)
     throws ConfigurationValidationException
 515  0
     validate(false, groups);
 516  0
   // ... change listener support ..............................................
   public final void addPropertyChangeListener(final PropertyKey name,
       final PropertyChangeListener listener) throws NullPointerException
 524  0
     support.addPropertyChangeListener(name.toString(), listener);
 525  0
   public final void removePropertyChangeListener(final PropertyKey name,
       final PropertyChangeListener listener) throws NullPointerException
 531  0
     support.removePropertyChangeListener(name.toString(), listener);
 532  0
   public final void addPropertyChangeListener(
       final PropertyChangeListener listener) throws NullPointerException
 538  0
 539  0
   public final void removePropertyChangeListener(
       final PropertyChangeListener listener) throws NullPointerException
 545  0
 546  0
    * Fires the property change event.
    * @param name the name of the property.
    * @param oldValue the old value of the property that has been changed.
    * @param newValue the new and current value of the property.
   protected final void firePropertyChange(final String name,
       final String oldValue, final String newValue)
 558  0
     support.firePropertyChange(name, oldValue, newValue);
 559  0
   // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------
   public ConfigurationProperties toRepresentative()
 566  0
     return this;
    * Reads the object from the given stream.
    * @param in the stream to read from.
    * @throws IOException on read problems.
    * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a class cannot be found.
   private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
 579  0
 581  0
     this.resolver = createResolver();
 582  0
    * Returns the string representation of the object.
    * @return the string representation of the object.
   public String toString()
 592  0
     final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
 594  0
 596  0
     return buffer.toString();