
Package class diagram package
Provides property domain objects and exceptions.


Interface Summary
DocumentMetaData Provides read access to document meta data.
PropertyConstraint<T> Defines constraints on a property value and a description to the constraint that can be presented to the user.
PropertyContext Provides context information for a given property.
PropertyDescriptor Defines property meta data.
PropertyDescriptorRegistry A registry for a set of property descriptors.
PropertyValueRange<T> Defines the possible values for a property.

Class Summary
ConfigMessageBean Provides information about problems encountered when properties definitions cannot be parsed.
DocumentName The name of a document is unique within a documentation in the context of a given project.
ProjectdocMetaData Stores document instance information for projectdoc metadata.
PropertiesContext Defines the configuration for smartics properties configuration.
PropertiesContext.Builder The builder of PropertiesContext.
PropertyCategories The categories the property is associated with.
PropertyCategories.Builder Builder for PropertyCategories.
PropertyComment The comment to a property.
PropertyComment.Builder The property comment instance builder.
PropertyDescriptorClashingMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning two clashing property descriptors.
PropertyDescriptorMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a property.
PropertyExpression Provides information about the expression to evaluate a default value for a property.
PropertyExpressionMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a property value.
PropertyKey Defines a property key information.
PropertyMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a property.
PropertyProjectdoc Provides property information read from an SDoc XML document.
PropertySetProjectdoc Provides property set information read from an SDoc XML document.
PropertyType Provides information about the type of a property.
PropertyValidationMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a property.
PropertyValueChangeMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a failed change of a property value.
PropertyValueComment Provides comments for the values of a property.
PropertyValueMessageBean Provides context information for errors concerning a property value.
SourceInfo Contains information about the source the property is defined in.

Enum Summary
ConfigCode Codes dealing with property problems.
PropertyCode Codes dealing with property problems.

Exception Summary
ConfigException Signals that a properties configuration cannot be parsed.
DuplicateDefaultKeyException Signals that a configuration key within a definitions configuration file is declared as default key twice.
DuplicatePropertyDeclarationException Signals that a property descriptor has been encountered twice.
DuplicatePropertyDeclarationsException Signals that a set of property descriptor has been encountered twice.
PropertyDescriptorException Base exception of the library for signaling an unspecific cause that is concerned with a specific property providing the property declaration information.
PropertyException Base exception of the library for signaling an unspecific cause that is concerned with a specific property.
PropertyValidationException Signals that the value does not match the given constraints.
PropertyValueConversionException Signals that a value cannot be converted to its native type.
PropertyValueResolveException Signals that the value cannot be resolve.
ReadOnlyPropertyException Signals that the a read-only property was requested to be updated.

Package Description

Provides property domain objects and exceptions.


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