AbstractProjectClassLoader - Class in de.smartics.properties.utils
Base implementation of class loaders that serve classes from the given directories.
AbstractProjectClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.utils. AbstractProjectClassLoader
Default constructor.
AbstractPropertyReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Writes each report to a file.
AbstractPropertyReport() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Default constructor.
addProblem(ReportProblem) - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Reports a problem encountered while analyzing for report items.
addProblem(ReportProblem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Reports a problem encountered while analyzing for report items.
addSourceTree(File) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Adds the given source tree to the list of source tree.


build() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem.Builder
Creates the report item.
build() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder
Creates the report item.


clean(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. HtmlUtils
Cleans up the HTML fragment.
cleanHtmlAndJavadoc(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. HtmlUtils
Cleans up the HTML fragment and thereby also cleans Javadoc fragments.
cleanJDom(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. HtmlUtils
Cleans up the HTML fragment.
create(ReportConfiguration) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportBuilder
Factory method to create an instance of a report builder.
create(List<File>) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
Convenience factory method using the Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
create(ClassLoader, List<File>) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
Default factory method.
createFromNames(Collection<String>) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
Convenience factory method to specify the directories as Strings and using the Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
createFromNames(ClassLoader, Collection<String>) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
Convenience factory method to specify the directories as Strings.
createHtml() - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. JavadocCommentHelper
Creates a default helper for normalizing in an HTML context.
createText() - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. JavadocCommentHelper
Creates a default helper for normalizing in text context.


de.smartics.properties.report - package de.smartics.properties.report
Provides classes to parse project source code and generate reports.
de.smartics.properties.report.app - package de.smartics.properties.report.app
Provides classes on the domain level.
de.smartics.properties.report.data - package de.smartics.properties.report.data
Provides classes that represent report data.
de.smartics.properties.report.qdox - package de.smartics.properties.report.qdox
Helper package to implement QDox interfaces.
de.smartics.properties.reports - package de.smartics.properties.reports
Provides report implementations to generate reports in different formats.
de.smartics.properties.utils - package de.smartics.properties.utils
Provides utilities for the report generation process.


ensurePackageProvided(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. AbstractProjectClassLoader
Ensures that the package of a class specified by the given name is already defined.
eval(JavaClass) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.qdox. PropertyDescriptorSearcher
expandFirstBlock(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. JavadocCommentHelper
Usually the first paragraph in a Javadoc comment is not tagged as a paragraph to reduce the markup.


findClass(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
findResource(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
findResources(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. ProjectClassLoader
flush() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. PropertiesPropertyReport
Flushes the latest report set and items.


getCause() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the optional root cause to the problem.
getComment() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the Javadoc comment to the descriptor.
getComment() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the Javadoc comment to the descriptor.
getCommentText() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the property comment.
getConfiguration() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportBuilder
Returns the configuration to control the generation of the report.
getDescriptor() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the descriptor to the property.
getEncoding() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the encoding to use to read the source files.
getItems() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. InMemoryPropertyReport
Returns the list of report items.
getLocalName() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the name that uniquely identifies the property report within the report set.
getMessage() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the message to the problem.
getMetaData() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the document instance metadata.
getMetaData() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the document instance metadata.
getName() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the name that uniquely identifies the property report document.
getName() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the name that uniquely identifies the property set report.
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. HtmlUtils
Returns the encoding used write.
getProblems() - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Returns the list of problems encountered while parsing sources and fetching report information.
getProblems() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Returns the list of problems encountered while parsing sources and fetching report information.
getProjectClassLoader() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the class loader to instantiate classes of the project.
getPropertySet() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the set of properties this property belongs to.
getSets() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. InMemoryPropertyReport
Returns the list of report sets.
getSourceInfo() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the information about the source the property was defined in.
getSourceTrees() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the list of source trees to be added for parsing.
getSpace() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the space the report item belongs to.
getSpace() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the space the report item belongs to.
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the unique title of the report within the space.
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the unique title of the report within the space.
getType() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet
Returns the type that defines the report set, if no name is specified explicitly.
getValue() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the optional value in case this is a runtime report.
getValueComment() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Returns the property value comment.


handle(PropertyReportSet) - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Passes a report set document information to the report.
handle(PropertyReportItem) - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Passes a report item to the report.
handle(PropertyReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Passes a report item to the report.
handle(PropertyReportSet) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. InMemoryPropertyReport
Passes a report set document information to the report.
handle(PropertyReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. InMemoryPropertyReport
Passes a report item to the report.
handle(PropertyReportSet) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. PropertiesPropertyReport
handle(PropertyReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. PropertiesPropertyReport
handle(PropertyReportSet) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyReport
handle(PropertyReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyReport
hasProblems() - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Checks if there are reported problems.
hasProblems() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Checks if there are reported problems.
hasPropertyAnnotation(JavaClass) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.report.qdox. PropertyDescriptorSearcher
Checks if the given class provides the PropertySet annotation that identifies an interfaces as declaring a property set.
HtmlUtils - Class in de.smartics.properties.utils
Utilities to deal with HTML.
HtmlUtils(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.utils. HtmlUtils
Default constructor.


InMemoryPropertyReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Stores every report item in memory.
InMemoryPropertyReport() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. InMemoryPropertyReport
Default constructor.


JavadocCommentHelper - Class in de.smartics.properties.utils
Utilities to normalize Javadoc comments.
JavadocCommentHelper(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.utils. JavadocCommentHelper
Default constructor.


loadClass(JavaClass) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the class referenced by the given classDoc.
loadClassFile(String, File) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. AbstractProjectClassLoader
Loads the class.
loadClassFromLibrary(String, String, File) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. AbstractProjectClassLoader
Opens a reader to the class file within the archive.
loadEnumInstance(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the enumeration element instance with the given identifier from the given class.
loadInstance(JavaField) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the instance referenced by the given fieldDoc.
loadResourceFromLibrary(String, String, File) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. AbstractProjectClassLoader
Opens a reader to the resource file within the archive.
loadStaticFieldInstance(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the static property instance with the given identifier from the given class.


ProjectClassLoader - Class in de.smartics.properties.utils
A class loader that serves classes from the given directories.
PropertiesPropertyReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Stores every report item in a property set.
PropertiesPropertyReport(OutputStream) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. PropertiesPropertyReport
PropertyDescriptorSearcher - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.qdox
Filters interfaces that are annotated with the PropertySet annotation.
PropertyDescriptorSearcher() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.qdox. PropertyDescriptorSearcher
PropertyReport - Interface in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Sink to accept report items.
PropertyReportItem - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Report information for a particular property.
PropertyReportItem.Builder - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Builder to create instances of enclosing class.
PropertyReportItem.Builder() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem.Builder
PropertyReportSet - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Report information for a particular property set.
PropertyReportSet.Builder - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Builder to create instances of enclosing class.
PropertyReportSet.Builder() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder


register(PropertyReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Registers a report item to manage the alias mapping and check for uniqueness constraint violations.
replaceJavadocInlines(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.utils. JavadocCommentHelper
Replaces Javadoc inline tags.
ReportBuilder - Class in de.smartics.properties.report
Builder of reports on smartics properties.
ReportConfiguration - Class in de.smartics.properties.report
Provides information to control the creation of the report.
ReportConfiguration() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Default constructor.
ReportException - Exception in de.smartics.properties.report.app
Base exception of the library for signaling an unspecific cause.
ReportException(String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.report.app. ReportException
Convenience constructor.
ReportException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.report.app. ReportException
Convenience constructor.
ReportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.report.app. ReportException
Default constructor.
ReportProblem - Class in de.smartics.properties.report.data
Stores a problem found by the report builder.
ReportProblem(Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Convenience constructor to use the message of the root cause.
ReportProblem(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Convenience constructor without a root cause.
ReportProblem(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Default constructor.
reportTo(PropertyReport) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportBuilder
Runs the report process and writes to the given report.
RuntimeUtils - Class in de.smartics.properties.utils
Utilities to instantiate classes and access their runtime information.
RuntimeUtils(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.utils. RuntimeUtils
Default constructor.


setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Sets the encoding to use to read the source files.
setProjectClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report. ReportConfiguration
Sets the class loader to instantiate classes of the project.
setValue(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem
Sets the optional value in case this is a runtime report.


toString() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the string representation of the object.
traverseAliases(AliasTraverser) - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReport
Allows to traverse the collected aliases.
traverseAliases(AliasTraverser) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. AbstractPropertyReport
Allows to traverse the collected aliases.


with(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem.Builder
Sets the descriptor to the property.
with(PropertyComment) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem.Builder
Sets the property comment.
with(SourceInfo) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportItem.Builder
Sets the information about the source the property was defined in.
with(DocumentMetaData) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder
Set the document instance metadata.
withComment(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder
Sets the Javadoc comment to the descriptor.
withPropertySetName(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder
Sets the name of the property set as read from the PropertySet annotation.
withType(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.report.data. PropertyReportSet.Builder
Sets the type that defines the report set, if no name is specified explicitly.
write(PropertyReportItem, OutputStream) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyItemReport
Writes the report to the given output stream.
write(PropertyReportSet, OutputStream) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertySetReport
Writes the report to the given output stream.


XmlPropertyItemReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Report on a single property.
XmlPropertyItemReport(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyItemReport
Default constructor.
XmlPropertyReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Writes each report to a file.
XmlPropertyReport(StreamHandler, StreamHandler) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyReport
Constructor using UTF-8 as encoding.
XmlPropertyReport(String, StreamHandler, StreamHandler) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertyReport
Default constructor.
XmlPropertySetReport - Class in de.smartics.properties.reports
Report on a single property set.
XmlPropertySetReport(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.reports. XmlPropertySetReport
Default constructor.


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