addAnyArtifactRef(ArtifactRef) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Adds the given artifact reference to the list of artifact references.
addArchiveArtifactRef(ArtifactRef) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Adds the given artifact reference to the list of artifact references.
ArtifactId - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Identifies an artifact of resources.
ArtifactId.Builder - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Builder to create instances of ArtifactId.
ArtifactId.Builder() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
ArtifactRef - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
An artifact identifier including a physical reference to an exemplar of the artifact.
ArtifactRef(ArtifactId, URL) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactRef
Default constructor.


build() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Creates an instance of ArtifactId.


ClassPathEnvironment - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Defines the environment of class path resources to access.
ClassPathEnvironment() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Default constructor.
ClassPathEnvironment(ArtifactRef...) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Convenience constructor that allows to add artifact references to create an initial list.
ClassPathEnvironment(List<ArtifactRef>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Convenience constructor that allows to add artifact references to create an initial list.
compareTo(ArtifactId) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
create(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Helper to create instances of ArtifactId instead of using the ArtifactId.Builder.


de.smartics.properties.resource - package de.smartics.properties.resource
Provides resource access to property resources.
de.smartics.properties.resource.app - package de.smartics.properties.resource.app
Provides library global base types.
de.smartics.properties.resource.domain - package de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Provides domain types dealing with resources.
de.smartics.properties.resource.heap - package de.smartics.properties.resource.heap
Provides resource access to a heap of property definitions.
de.smartics.properties.resource.repository - package de.smartics.properties.resource.repository
Provides the resource access abstraction on a repository.
de.smartics.properties.resource.util - package de.smartics.properties.resource.util
Provides utilities for the resource package.


equals(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.


getArchiveType() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the artifact type that is expressed by the artifact's file name extension.
getArtifactRef(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Returns the artifact reference by its short ID.
getArtifactRefs() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Returns a list of artifact references.
getClassifier() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the classifier to the artifact.
getCode() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
getComponentId() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
getDisplayId() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
getGroupId() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the group the artifact belongs to.
getId() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactRef
Returns the unique identifier of the artifact.
getMajorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
getMinorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
getName() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the name of the artifact.
getRemoteRepositoryUrl() - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. ResourceRepository
Returns the URL to the remote repository.
getUrl() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactRef
Returns the reference to the physical artifact.
getUrls() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Returns a list of URLs that point to the physical locations of the artifacts.
getVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the version of the artifact.


hashCode() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the hash code of the object.
HeapException - Exception in de.smartics.properties.resource.heap
Signals problems accessing a heap.
HeapException(AbstractBaseMessageBean) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.heap. HeapException
Default constructor with a message bean.


isArchive() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactRef
Checks if the referenced artifact is an archive.


LibraryCodeNumbers - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.app
Overview over codes signaled by this library.


RepositoryException - Exception in de.smartics.properties.resource.repository
Signals problems accessing a repository.
RepositoryException(ResourcesCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. RepositoryException
Constructor without a cause.
RepositoryException(Throwable, ResourcesCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. RepositoryException
Default constructor.
RepositoryException(AbstractBaseMessageBean) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. RepositoryException
Default constructor with a message bean.
resolve() - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.resource.heap. ResourceHeap
Resolves the properties resources from this heap.
resolve(ArtifactId) - Method in interface de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. ResourceRepository
Resolves the properties resources from the given artifact.
RESOURCE_CODE_START - Static variable in class de.smartics.properties.resource.app. LibraryCodeNumbers
The start number of resource codes.
ResourceCode - Enum in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Codes dealing with property problems.
ResourceException - Exception in de.smartics.properties.resource.domain
Signals problems dealing with a resource.
ResourceException(ResourcesCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceException
Constructor without a cause.
ResourceException(Throwable, ResourcesCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceException
Default constructor.
ResourceException(AbstractBaseMessageBean) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceException
Default constructor with a message bean.
ResourceHeap - Interface in de.smartics.properties.resource.heap
Interface to a repository that provides properties resources.
ResourceHeapFactory - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.heap
A factory to create instances of ResourceHeap.
ResourceHeapFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.heap. ResourceHeapFactory
Default constructor.
ResourceRepository - Interface in de.smartics.properties.resource.repository
Interface to a repository that provides properties resources.
ResourceRepositoryFactory - Class in de.smartics.properties.resource.repository
A factory to create instances of ResourceRepository.
ResourceRepositoryFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.properties.resource.repository. ResourceRepositoryFactory
Default constructor.
ResourcesCode - Interface in de.smartics.properties.resource.app
Tagging interface to type all codes used in this library.


toShortString() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the short string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactRef
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ClassPathEnvironment
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
Returns the string representation of the object.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ResourceCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withArchiveType(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Sets the artifact type that is expressed by the artifact's file name extension.
withClassifier(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Sets the classifier to the artifact.
withGroupId(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Sets the group the artifact belongs to.
withName(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Sets the name of the artifact.
withVersion(String) - Method in class de.smartics.properties.resource.domain. ArtifactId.Builder
Sets the version of the artifact.


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