Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2012-2013 smartics, Kronseder & Reiner GmbH
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
 import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 import de.smartics.util.lang.Arg;
  * Defines the environment of class path resources to access.
 public final class ClassPathEnvironment implements Serializable
   // ********************************* Fields *********************************
   // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------
    * The class version identifier.
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    * Reference to the logger for this class.
 52  0
   private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
   // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------
    * The map of artifact IDs (GAV concatenated and separated by colons) to the
    * artifact references.
 61  0
   private final Map<String, ArtifactRef> index =
       new HashMap<String, ArtifactRef>();
    * The list of artifact references found on this class path.
    * @serial
 69  0
   private final List<ArtifactRef> artifactRefs = new ArrayList<ArtifactRef>();
   // ****************************** Initializer *******************************
   // ****************************** Constructors ******************************
    * Default constructor.
   public ClassPathEnvironment()
 79  0
 80  0
    * Convenience constructor that allows to add artifact references to create an
    * initial list.
    * @param artifactRefs the initial collection of artifact references to add as
    *          roots.
   public ClassPathEnvironment(final ArtifactRef... artifactRefs)
 91  0
 93  0
     for (final ArtifactRef artifactRef : artifactRefs)
 95  0
 97  0
    * Convenience constructor that allows to add artifact references to create an
    * initial list.
    * @param artifactRefs the initial collection of artifact references to add as
    *          roots.
   public ClassPathEnvironment(final List<ArtifactRef> artifactRefs)
 107  0
 108  0
     for (final ArtifactRef artifactRef : artifactRefs)
 110  0
 112  0
   // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************
   // ********************************* Methods ********************************
   // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------
   // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------
    * Returns a list of artifact references.
    * @return an unmodifiable list of artifact references registered in this
    *         environment.
   public List<ArtifactRef> getArtifactRefs()
 131  0
     return Collections.unmodifiableList(artifactRefs);
    * Returns a list of URLs that point to the physical locations of the
    * artifacts.
    * @return a list of URLs that point to the physical locations of the
    *         artifacts.
   public List<URL> getUrls()
 143  0
     final List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(artifactRefs.size());
 144  0
     for (final ArtifactRef ref : artifactRefs)
 146  0
       final URL url = ref.getUrl();
 147  0
 148  0
 150  0
     return urls;
    * Returns the artifact reference by its short ID.
    * @param artifactId the GAV concatenated and separated by colons.
    * @return the associated artifact reference or <code>null</code> if there is
    *         no artifact reference with the given {@code artifactId} registered.
    * @throws NullPointerException if {@code artifactId} is <code>null</code>.
   public ArtifactRef getArtifactRef(final String artifactId)
     throws NullPointerException
 165  0
     Arg.checkNotNull("artifactId", artifactId);
 167  0
     return index.get(artifactId);
    * Adds the given artifact reference to the list of artifact references. All
    * references are considered to be roots to search for class path resources.
    * <p>
    * If {@code archiveArtifactRef} is not an {@link ArtifactRef#isArchive()
    * archive}, it will <strong>not be added</strong>.
    * </p>
    * @param archiveArtifactRef the artifact reference to add.
    * @throws NullPointerException if {@code archiveArtifactRef} is
    *           <code>null</code>.
   public void addArchiveArtifactRef(final ArtifactRef archiveArtifactRef)
     throws NullPointerException
 185  0
     Arg.checkNotNull("archiveArtifactRef", archiveArtifactRef);
 187  0
     if (!archiveArtifactRef.isArchive())
 189  0
       LOG.debug("Dropping '" + archiveArtifactRef
                 + "' since it is not an archive.");
 191  0
 194  0
 195  0
     final String artifactId = archiveArtifactRef.getId().toShortString();
 196  0
     index.put(artifactId, archiveArtifactRef);
 197  0
    * Adds the given artifact reference to the list of artifact references. All
    * references are considered to be roots to search for class path resources.
    * @param artifactRef the artifact reference to add.
    * @throws NullPointerException if {@code artifactRef} is <code>null</code>.
   public void addAnyArtifactRef(final ArtifactRef artifactRef)
     throws NullPointerException
 209  0
     Arg.checkNotNull("artifactRef", artifactRef);
 211  0
 212  0
     final String artifactId = artifactRef.getId().toShortString();
 213  0
     index.put(artifactId, artifactRef);
 214  0
   // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------
    * Returns the string representation of the object.
    * @return the string representation of the object.
   public String toString()
 226  0
     final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
 228  0
     buffer.append("Class path roots:");
 230  0
     for (final ArtifactRef artifactRef : artifactRefs)
 232  0
       buffer.append(' ').append(artifactRef);
 235  0
     return buffer.toString();