Note:This goal should be used as a Maven report.
Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
coberturaLocation | File | - | The location of the Cobertura test report to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/cobertura. |
description | String | 1.0 | The description of the report. |
excludeCategories | List | 1.0 | The name of categories of test scenarios that should be excluded. If a scenario is tagged by at least one of the mentioned filters, it will not be displayed in the report. The category is specified as a JUnit Category. The name to specify here is the full qualified type specified in the category annotation. Per default, if no filter category is specified, no category is excluded. |
formats | Set | 1.0 | The names of report formats to export to. Currently only site and xml are supported. If no format is configured, site is assumed. |
includeCategories | List | 1.0 | The name of categories of test scenarios that should be included. If a scenario is tagged by at least one of the mentioned filters, it will not be displayed in the report. The category is specified as a JUnit Category. The name to specify here is the full qualified type specified in the category annotation. Per default, if no filter category is specified, all categories are included. |
indices | List | 1.0 | The class names of implementations of ExportIndex. The implementations are required to provide a no-arg constructor. |
javadocLocation | File | - | The location of the Javadoc report to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/apidocs. |
javadocTestLocation | File | - | The location of the Javadoc test report to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/testapidocs. |
junitReportLocation | File | - | The location of the JavaDoc report to reference. Default value is: ${}/surefire-reports. |
linkCobertura | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the Cobertura test report when found. Default value is: true. |
linkJavadoc | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the Javadoc report when found. Default value is: true. |
linkJavadocTest | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the Javadoc test report when found. Default value is: true. |
linkSurefire | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the javadoc report when found. Default value is: true. |
linkXref | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the source code report (XRef) when found. Default value is: true. |
linkXrefTest | boolean | - | Controls whether to reference the source code report (XRef) when found. Default value is: true. |
locale | String | 1.0 | The locale to use regardless of the report. This should be set to the locale the Javadoc comment is written in. If not set, the Maven provided locale is used. |
logLevel | String | 1.0 | Specifies the log level used for this plugin. Allowed values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO and FINEST. |
name | String | 1.0 | The name of the report used as title. |
outputName | String | 1.0 | The name of the report. Default value is: test-stories. |
presentJUnitReport | boolean | - | Controls whether to show test case information read from the JUnit XML reports. Default value is: true. |
serOutputDirectory | String | 1.0 | The output directory to write intermediate serialized files to. |
showCategories | boolean | 1.0 | The flag that tells whether (true) or not (false) the categories should be shown when enumerating the test cases. Default value is: true. |
showIndexOfIndices | boolean | 1.0 | The flag that tells whether (true) or not (false) the index over all indices should be shown. Default value is: true. |
showNumbering | boolean | 1.0 | The flag that tells whether (true) or not (false) the number column should be shown when enumerating the test cases. Default value is: true. |
showTestCase | boolean | 1.0 | The flag that tells whether (true) or not (false) the test case name should be shown. Default value is: true. |
showTestStatus | boolean | 1.0 | The flag that tells whether (true) or not (false) the test status column should be shown when enumerating the test cases. Default value is: true. |
skip | boolean | 1.0 | A simple flag to skip the generation of the report. If set on the command line use -Dtestdoc.test-stories-report.skip. Default value is: false. |
surefireLocation | File | - | The location of the JavaDoc report to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/surefire-report.html. |
textBundleBaseName | String | 1.0 | The resource bundle containing the localized resource that provide labels to use for the report. The bundle file allows to provide labels for the following information:
Specify the name of the resource bundle. The bundle is required to be in the class path. |
unitTestDocComparator | String | 1.0 | The name of the comparator to compare UnitTestDoc instances. The default implementation compares the simple name of the UUT type. An alternative implementation, sorting by the qualified name of the UUT, is de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDocTypeSimpleNameComparator. The implementation is required to provide a no-arg constructor. Default value is: de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDocTypeSimpleNameComparator. |
xmlReportDir | File | - | The directory to write a pure XML report to. This report contains the same information as the site report. To generate the report, the formats have to provide the format xml. Default value is: ${}/testdoc-reports. |
xrefLocation | File | - | The location of the source code report (XRef) to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/xref. |
xrefTestLocation | File | - | The location of the source code report (XRef) to reference. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/xref-test. |
The category is specified as a JUnit Category. The name to specify here is the full qualified type specified in the category annotation.
Per default, if no filter category is specified, no category is excluded.
The category is specified as a JUnit Category. The name to specify here is the full qualified type specified in the category annotation.
Per default, if no filter category is specified, all categories are included.
Allowed values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO and FINEST.
The bundle file allows to provide labels for the following information:
Specify the name of the resource bundle. The bundle is required to be in the class path.