Uses of Class

Packages that use ScmException
de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common Provides commonly used classes of this project. 
de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm Provides implementation independent interfaces and classes to access SCM systems. 
de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven Provides an implementation to access SCM systems based on the Apache Maven SCM implementation. 

Uses of ScmException in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common

Methods in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common that throw ScmException
 void RevisionHelper.provideScmBuildInfo(Properties buildMetaDataProperties, ScmControl scmControl)
          Fetches the revision information and adds it to the property sets.

Uses of ScmException in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm

Subclasses of ScmException in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm
 class ScmNoRevisionException
          Thrown on any problem fetching SCM revision information.

Methods in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm that throw ScmException
 LocallyModifiedInfo RevisionNumberFetcher.containsModifications(ScmFileSet fileSet)
          Checks if the local source files are in-sync with the repository or not.
 Revision RevisionNumberFetcher.fetchLatestRevisionNumber()
          Returns the latest revision number from the SCM.

Uses of ScmException in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven

Methods in de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven that throw ScmException
 LocallyModifiedInfo MavenScmRevisionNumberFetcher.containsModifications(ScmFileSet fileSet)
          Checks if the local source files are in-sync with the repository or not.
 ScmRepository ScmConnectionInfo.createRepository(ScmManager scmManager)
          Creates and configures the SCM repository.
 ChangeLogScmResult ScmAccessInfo.fetchChangeLog(ScmRepository repository, ScmProvider provider)
          Returns the result of the change log query.
 Revision MavenScmRevisionNumberFetcher.fetchLatestRevisionNumber()
          Returns the latest revision number from the SCM.

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