Serialized Form

Package de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common.SortedProperties extends Properties implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.ScmException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.ScmNoRevisionException extends ScmException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven.MavenRevision extends StringRevision implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String type
The type of the revision. May be for instance trunk, branch or tag.

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven.ScmAccessInfo extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String dateFormat
The format of the dates understood by the SCM system.


File rootDirectory
The root directory that contains the files under SCM control.


int queryRangeInDays
The range of the query in days to fetch change log entries from the SCM. If no change logs have been found, the range is incremented up to 5 times. If no change log has been found after these 5 additional queries, the revision number will not be set with a valid value.


boolean failOnLocalModifications
The flag to fail if local modifications have been found. The value is true if the build should fail if there are modifications (any files not in-sync with the remote repository), false if the fact is only to be noted in the build properties.


boolean ignoreDotFilesInBaseDir
The flag to ignore files and directories starting with a dot for checking modified files. This implicates that any files or directories, starting with a dot, are ignored when the check on changed files is run. If the value is true, dot files are ignored, if it is set to false, dot files are respected.

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven.ScmConnectionInfo extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String connectionUrl
The URL to connect to the SCM system.


String userName
The user name to authenticate against the SCM system.


String password
The password to authenticate against the SCM system.


String privateKey
The private key to authenticate against the SCM system.


String passPhrase
The pass phrase to authenticate against the SCM system.


String tagBase
The url of tags base directory (used by svn protocol).

Class de.smartics.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.scm.maven.StringRevision extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String id
The ID of the revision.


Date date
The revision date.

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